09 August 2007

force more out of your brain...

I just read an article featured on MSN.com written by Bill Nye that science guy. I am not sure if copyright laws allow me to post the link to the article here or not, so for now I will not be doing that. It was good reading in general, one which makes you think. It made me ponder the following: I am sure most would agree that people like to think about space and the unknown from time to time – but imagine if in a few years the ‘human civilization’ can actually prove there is life outside of what we currently know. Not only will that be cool, but it will also change our thinking and everything forever. Even finding the presence of water will make scientists freak out and thus prove that life can or did or will exist elsewhere. Keep in mind this is only from searching that which is nearby to Earth (aka the moon and Mars). Imagine if we knew what was near the star Betelgeuse (the surrounding planets that might exist around the star that is). If you look up some information about this topic you’ll find the vastness is immense and most is unknown *obviously*. But I believe that scientists are aware of a lot more than we know. Meaning that scientists have pinpointed so many of the stars, estimated the amount of stars in our galaxy, and named most of them. Even if the names are mere numbers and letters categorically grouped. They even have an idea of how far some of “it” goes (certain stars etc.), not to say that scientists know where the end of the realm of dark-space-land is; but it is more than I knew we knew if you know what I’m saying.

In a conversation I had with someone today about this similar topic they asked me how do we know that there aren't organisms out there that are indeed NOT dependant on oxygen or water to live? Wow, what a good question. My thoughts are we technically only know our own version of science, right? But what if the gaseous planets have "things" that can breathe (if that is what they call it, silly word) and exist in the presence of that specific planet's gases. Yet another crazy tangent that I would be willing to bet is a complete possibility. Thanks for the thought there friend. Oh, and thanks to Bill Nye too (forgot to give him props earlier).

All I know is that I want to be there when the actual meetings of other civilizations from other planets occur. When they come to Earth. Or rather, I want to still be alive on this Earth when it happens, I don’t necessarily want to be the person that actually does the encountering and has the first discussion with these said aliens (although that would be a heck of a story to tell). I actually believe when this event happens it will be very peaceful. I say "when" with certainty that this will happen at some time, maybe not while I'm alive, but it will at some point. If I am wrong well then, well, so be it I guess. Anyway, we can do such things as share different fruits with each other (“Here alien, try a banana”) and challenge one another to spoon bending contests using only your minds. You lose, hahaha ZAP.

For those that know more about this topic than I please do share with a comment. I am by no means an expert on this and I am more just speculating about possibilities and throwing some thoughts out there for me and others to ponder. Taking more of an observer-of-life kind of stance if you will. Curiosity. Thus, if we have indeed found water on other planets, and you know about this because you watch the news, please let me know.

Imagine if the previous alien sightings over time were indeed the last time this will ever occur during our generation’s lifetime and for 1,000s of years to come. What if the aliens (those guys with green faces and long skinny chins and orb-like-big-brained heads and googly eyes) have actually killed themselves off due to getting too smart for their own good or something of the like and they imploded their own civilization. Then, there will forever be a time in history - ending in the early 1980's and starting way back in the time of the Bible - where for a few hundred years there were hints at alien visits via cave drawings and stories and accidental sightings and fragments of metals on the earth which we cannot explain. People in the year 3441 will look back at this time and wish they were alive back when these sightings were still occurring, so they might have a chance to see one for themselves. When in reality for most of us who live now all we know is speculation and it is most likely just hundreds of slight-of-the-eye falsehoods. After time has advanced and secrets leak, the future historians can piece together our time on Earth and discover more truths than we even know now. Even though we are actually experiencing whatever it may be. Sort of strange, but probably not too far off.

One more quick thing, and I will keep it quick because I don't know ANYTHING about this at all yet but am curious: someone else told me the other day that the Bible and other items tell stories and have pictures that show/depict aliens and spacecraft in the background. Not sure if this is confirmed in anyway but I would love to hear from someone who knows about this in more detail. That is fascinating if you ask me. That there were drawings from back then which show spacecraft - back when we didn't have flight yet???!!! Awesome.