31 January 2008

skinny latte

no I am not having skinny latte's these days - thanks for asking. However, every time I am in line the person in front of me always orders like they are a coffee ordering expert, "I'll have a grande skinny latte hold the cream with two lumps and a twist of thai and cinnamon, half stirred and slightly frozen". Then I get up there and say "regular coffee middle size please". When I order the people behind the counter have like 2-3 questions for me because I guess I don't order specific enough. I am going to work to try to get the lingo down pat in February so by March I am good to go with ordering. Now that I have my new trendy Versace glasses this isn't a "want to eventually do", this is a "requirement for all who wear trendy glasses". I also find it funny that people refer to their drink as "skinny" in relation to their body which they are hoping for when they drink the lower fat version of the drink. I suppose I'll start ordering an "extra fat latte, tall, extra sugar, hold the lowfat".

30 January 2008

Today's movie review

I would like to start blogging my review of movies that I see - old or new/good or bad. I'll try not to put in any spoilers during the review. Also keep in mind these are my views and in no way are my affiliations with ROGUE pictures going to influence how I review and rate movies.

As some may know I have a recent fix (well, obsession is more like it) with movies. I have created an ongoing list of how they rank per my brain absorption. This list is coupled with a sister-list of movies focusing on recommended movies never seen. By keeping both lists alive and growing I won't lose track of the ultimate goal of seeing every movie ever created - not including movies done in black and white. So I begin....


My wife and I saw Juno a few weekends ago and loved it. Truthfully, it made me feel as if I forgot who I used to be. Not in a bad way at all, because obvious changes in my life have occurred and I needed to react and adapt to the current situations at hand. However we both looked at each other once we were in the parking lot and said that we miss being hippy-like. The movie portrayed a comfy feeling, reminding us of what it meant to walk out of the house without matching clothes or to proudly wear your heart on your sleeve. To let people know how odd you are and to emphasize how others make you feel. And lastly to be zany. Yes, zany. I don't want to sound too sappy because I have a lot of friends with dark/cynical sides that might be reading this - but this is the truth. I miss this about me. Thanks to Juno I am working to bring it back. I haven't lost it all together and I surely haven't stopped being unique/odd - however I have ceased to be this way in most forums of life. I have adopted the "corporate" look and kept up with most of the corporate work habits and interactions, staying on the curb instead of off the curb. Only a few at my current job know the real me. I suppose that is a good tactic though at work, so let's focus on home life. My neighbors probably think I am more off my rocker than the rest of the Dad's in the neighborhood - but why not let out my real self at all times? Why should only Jana and my close friends experience this? [As a side project I am starting to let my neighbor Jason see me for who I am and was. We'll see how that goes.]

Last night on American Idol the last guy to get a ticket to the big show was just being himself, no "I want to be on TV" act and showing no cares. And as much as I don't like to admit this out loud, Simon is often right-on with his personality observations (although often he judges prior to giving someone a chance). Regardless, it was nice. You go last-guy-on-American-Idol-last-night-to-get-a-golden-ticket. You go. That is just another example of how this movie made me feel. [It is also nice to see someone in Hollywood appreciate uniqueness]

I am way off track. The movie also had a soundtrack that involved the Moldy Peaches primarily. This wasn't the Moldy Peaches that I know and love, but still the same sound and feel that the hardcore Peaches has brought (where they swear and talk about porno). That, coupled with the feel I got was enough in itself to make me like this movie. But add in the tremendous acting by Ellen Page, Michael Cera (who might be one of the greatest new actors out there), and J.K. Simmons and you have a great flick. Bateman and Garner played the roles they were supposed to play, Bateman was okay and could have been better and Garner was annoying but that was expected per her script. Also, why did Rainn Wilson agree to play Clerk #1 in this movie? Odd.

As I always say, if a movie can make me feel a certain way, it is well respected by this guy. Thus, this movie is #31 on my list of all time favorites, just below Last of the Mohicans and just above High Tension.

29 January 2008

today's interesting topic of the day (a la 1.29.08)

A close friend sent me the below picture this morning from the summer of 1992. That's me. Doogie Houser and this is my journal. Oh brother. Seriously though. [this next side bar is off my main topic which will be discussed below however I wanted to take a second to state 1992-ish is roughly the time Chris Found Music. The music that still IS me today. The music that eventually molded into 2008 music for Q. Looking down at this picture makes me laugh thinking about that. Because - well - look down. I just can't picture this kid listening to: Polvo's Cor-Crane Secret, The Flaming Lips' Transmissions from the Satellite Heart, They Might Be Giants' Flood, Ween's Pure Guava, Superchunk's Tossing Seeds, and Barbara Streisand's Greatest Hits Vol. 2.]

And back to the picture....it was a nice morning email surprise. Tonight I will be spending a portion of my evening scanning a few pics to send back his way. The whole thing led me to today's interesting topic. That is: remembering back then (aka reminiscing). I don't know how we got onto this tangent but I believe it had something to do with this picture and the others that were initially sent this morning. So we began reminiscing. It was great. We played a game to see who remembered a series of childhood events on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being 'I remember that a lot almost like it was yesterday' and 1 being 'I don't really remember that sorry bro'. I had a wonderful time growing up: fishing every morning, disappearing in our world of newly created mixed-sports, dreaming about hotties from school, and listening to Casey Casum do the damn top 40 countdown. Man I loved Casey Casum's damn top 40 shout outs and countdowns. They should replay those.
So let's wrap this up. A quick show of hands for those that like to reminisce. Do yourself a favor, be like me and try to reconnect with everyone possible from your past and send them an email about how much you miss them and also recap and remember a certain time/event. If you don't email 5 people from your past immediately the Giants will lose on Sunday.

24 January 2008


This is the first of potentially many snapshots of my writings from the past. Who knows if I will keep this up? It might be too scary for some as it will give you a glimpse of that which is my brain. But to most who know me you will understand the thought flow. Those that don't know me well will indeed drool.

.click the picture to see it larger.

06 January 2008

funny word Fathom

Things that Fathom the Q (in alphabetic order):

  • Aliens
  • Britney's Spears' life. Dudes seriously, when she dies (possibly like we felt with Anna Nicole) will you shed a tear? At this point her perfect life has become so messed up thanks to being a celebrity that it even effects her little sis.
  • Enemy UAB
  • Facilities that store things
  • Gary Oldman
  • Nutrients. What else can be said, I mean what the F is up with nutrients?
  • Out-of-place artifacts
  • Politics and the crazy lies
  • Porphobilinigen 9
  • Richard Marx
  • Romeo: in approximately 9th grade there was either a song named Romeo or an artist named Romeo. Well, I need this for my iPod and I can't find it anywhere. Help please...I am asking nicely and yes there is a reward. This has nothing to do with Lil' Romeo, but rather someone that sounded like Richard Marx but looked like Dio.
  • Sentinal City and also Colorado City with Warren Jeffs
  • Spidey 3 was soooooo terribly bad. NEVER ever see it. No fathoms here except that I as duped.
  • Stroszek by Werner H.
  • Swear words and how that is bad actually. I could see with minors, but really...seriously...we have all heard them - so let's stop getting up in arms about it.
  • Tar Man

05 January 2008


I wish I was a vampire.
