10 November 2008

A+ movie....

okay, for all of you that have followed my bizarre route to good movies and have liked my previous recommendations (you know who you are), you have to check out this 1994 Italian winner - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0109592/

This is no joke people, if you have an open mind and liked my other recommendations that were a bit off the wall (Wickerman, Meet the Feebles, etc.) - this movie is for you. Actually, the Wickerman and Meet the Feebles, among others, might even be a bit too much for some while this movie has something for everyone. Sure it's a zombie movie, but it is also a bizarre dark comedy and a love story with great cinematography and imagery. The zombie part is actually almost behind the scenes theme-wise - though remaining important to the plot - it is more of an undertone and way of life for the main character(s). Dellamorte Dellamore (aka the Cemetery Man) ranks #38 on my all-time list, just below the Last of the Mohicans and just above the Godfather part I and Deadbeat at Dawn.

I recommend reading the user reviews on the IMDB sight, they are more poetic than I. Still, go rent it already.....

07 November 2008

hi there friend

n;>> Hey Mel, how's it going?

Not too bad, but I've been thinking about things that are beyond me, fathoming almost. Not sure how to handle these items.

n;>> Well, like what?

Like intimate noises for instance, and how if you listen harder you hear more and more of what you previously couldn't hear when you weren't listening fully. Stuff like depths also...how big does it go down - the ocean? What's up with the things they found a long time ago that weren't discovered yet? Like that compass navigation astronomical calculator device thingy found on that ship buried deep below sea which was supposed to have been 1,000 years ahead of it's time.

n;>> Oh, you mean the Antikythera mechanism?

Yes, that's what I'm referring to. Those types of things - items that totally warp reality for those that take time to think about it versus the norm....those things make me wonder harder than I've ever wondered.

n;>> Well, I hear what you're saying. I guess I've thought about stuff like that too. I often wonder more about what's up with the pyramids, particular wonderment focuses on what happened.... - what makes them so special and unique? Meaning, if there really is something going on at they pyramids why can't they figure it out for real instead of speculate? What could possibly be going on to have made them and did they have help? If it all were to end tomorrow and the pyramids had a secret about them, how would we ever know? In many years later, new lifers with brains which evolved (after our kind has been destroyed, probably by ourselves with our own advancements), when these new people venture upon the Earth (thanks to single celled organism development and evolution) they'd probably think that it would have been odd that we didn't figure more out about the pyramids. That the risk of ultimate chaos or at least potential chaos, from the items that are known and proven but yet hidden, would have served well to be displayed for all to know and study about the pyramids.

Yeah, I heard that bro