29 October 2008


what would be cooler? Trent Reznor doing a horror movie soundtrack, having a jet pack that only worked for about 10 minutes and needed 40 days of charging between uses (basically it's cool, but you can only use it sparingly), or having marsupial pouches?

21 October 2008

What happened? C-

The Happening sucked. Big time. Sorry Andy for dissing you about it. I now admit you were right. Seriously, could the acting be worse in this movie?

"Oh darn, Rodriguez fell from the building. Holy gosh, so did Bob. What ever can we do? Oh man. Oh man. I feel not good. I are good actor." Even Marky Mark and Leguizamo, and Zooey for that matter were straight horrible. HORRIBLE I say. I guess M. Night told them to act as pedestrian as possible, and by that he meant - just don't act at all, in fact make it bad - really bad. It was so bad it didn't even seem like how people would act in real life. That guy that took them to the green house was odd, which is what I think he was supposed to be, but he couldn't act to save his life either. I honestly don't understand this approach.....at all???

I have loved every other M. Night movie I've seen - even The Village, which many people thwarted. In fact, on my top 161 movies list I have The Village listed at 39, Signs at 55, and Unbreakable at 124. Yeah, I'm not sure where Sixth Sense falls. Sure it was good, but I can't stand the hype on that one. It is on the "pending list" - to be added at a later time.

The ONLY cool thing about this movie was the way peeps were offing themselves. Dammit M. Night, you now have me strayed from your good graces. Damn! The last 4 movies prior to watching this one were WAY better: the Brood (1979), Deadbeat at Dawn, White Boyz, and Eraserhead. (I actually didn't include Boondock Saints - I saw this again and also didn't get the hype. It's my second time watching as I wanted to see if it got better and the answer is no. I also didn't include the 2007 version of April Fool's Day or 21 with Kevin Spacey. Both movies sucked).

16 October 2008

who'd and what'd

who'd you rather be (assuming you are a guy): a surfer dude from CA, James Franco, or yourself?