09 March 2007

the warm

It is sad that most people treat the effects of global warming as an inconvenience. That is a powerful and in your face title of the documentary. I wouldn't think the movie would be entertaining but more factual. I also think 50 years after Gore has died, people will remember him as the forefather that took this topic, supported it, and ran with it - the first big name guy to really care and try as best as he could to put this information in the faces of the people of the world. Even though only like a fourth of the people listen, if that.

It is sad to think that people actually take what we have for granted including the selfish behavior of them not considering future generations and the effects it will have on them. We have to fix this now and it starts with us, and our kids, and their kids. If our waste and smog and other can slowly destroy the atmosphere that surrounds us then that should be really scary to people. The earth has lasted a long time, but so did the dinosaurs. Get it?

I feel a bit out of touch with this stuff and even a bit rusty. It has been a long time since I studied this or read up on it. I could use a refresher. As I wrote what I did above I found myself almost forgetting the "definition". If I am struggling then what about people who aren't ecologists? They must be completely oblivious. Your thoughts? If none I hope you at least thought about it.


sarahday said...

Hey Cuz - i didn't see that Al Gore movie yet, but i watched him get the Academy Award, which was surreal and awesome.

Then, did you hear how his big house in Tennessee uses as much energy as a small village in...well, wherever there are small villages that also have electricity.

But he buys offsets, some kind of green energy stock market thing, and the offsets are used to cap landfills so methane gas doesn't escape, which is worse than CO2 anyway.

I'm glad he does that, but geez, does he need a heated pool and a mansion plus even more houses? Can't he just wear a sweater like the rest of us?

Chris aka Q to the Slice said...

Sarah, now I feel inadequate. I need to read more about nature and CO2. You have challenged me.