05 February 2008

- Do people behave like their true selves in dreams? -

Without having done any prior research on the topic, this thought came up today during a conversion with my pal about Hollywood deaths (don't ask how we jumped from one topic to the other). The thought revolved around the substance of a person's dream when compared to the person who is dreaming it. Basically does someone who takes no risks, has no impure thoughts, and is outright bland in brain thought end up having bland dreams about happy-go-lucky things like tulips, eating cereal, and filing documents at work? Or can/do they have demented dreams that make them feel as if they have sinned when they awake (for a lack of a better description)? And also for the opposite personality: does your typical horror/sci-fi movie watcher who isn't scared to think outside the box end up dreaming more crazy-styled dreams?

I am sure there has been research about topics similar to this...and I need to check into that, but it is a good question to me. Does your normal brain, your normal thoughts, and your normal actions end up directly influencing your daily dreams? Does the person you are when you are awake end up molding your dream state?

My dreams are crazy yet pretty true to what my brain thinks daily. However I don't really know any other way to think because I'm just me - in comparison I don't know what someone with other brain thoughts thinks or dreams either. I guess that is part of the question. I need to research the stats on this pronto. In my dreams I still have a healthy conscience. For example, I will never cheat on my wife in my dreams (stupid conscience won't even let me get away with one freebie while sleeping, haha). Also I won't do harmful things to someone in my dreams, unless they are a burglar - even so it is pretty harmless (and in slow motion). These I believe are an attribute to my normal awake brain functions and thoughts. Whereas overall I feel I am a kind person who means well. Then there is the zany side of my dreams, which I'd like to think everyone gets the luxury of experiencing. For example when I am flying around with Ving Rhames on a surf board in Hummelstown looking for the golden bird of supreme power. I also have many scary dreams which are probably directly linked to the horror movies I watch just prior to going to bed. With all of that said and to regroup to the main point - if I did nothing but focus on goodness and boringness my whole life - would I then dream that way?

Anyways, get back to me on this if you have an opinion or know more about this topic than I. I'll also have to do some research and get back to myself.

Here are two bonus thoughts to think about along these lines...if any of the above holds true in any sense, what's the deal with people who can't dream or rather can't remember their dreams? And, how does lucid dreaming effect the above discussions and also potentially your normal awake life? That's another blog topic altogether.

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