21 March 2008

Hard - Don Johnson's Comeback Tour

Hi there. FYI, I was trying to email a few people but due to technical difficulties I’ll blog it instead. I’d love to go on about my frustration with hotmail but I’ll refrain. Thanks for asking, but no I’m not ready for g-mail yet, but I sort of wonder if when I say that I sound like someone who still uses a dial-up modem??

1. Life is Funny?:
To me not much in life is funny. I guess I mean the stuff that is supposed to be funny isn’t so funny to me. Yeah, that's it. Overall I laugh a lot and I myself am totally hilarious, but everyone else thinks the stupidest stuff is LOL funny. Case in point that Heder/Ferrell skating movie or a fwd about why a dog is not like a cat. A) Does that mean that my sense of humor has become so refined that it takes this much (I am showing you with my hands) to make me laugh? So if you are a comedian and need someone to bounce material off of - I am your guy. Just bring your stuff over to my house: If I sit there and stare at you blankly you probably will be an instant hit with the general masses, if I laugh my arse off it is not good stand-up. B) Or does it mean that everyone else is right and stuff really IS hilarious and I am wrong? Small silly humors don’t hit my laugh nerve, or my funny-o-meter if you will. Lately when I get sent a non-humorous fwd I call it out as not funny. I guess the rest of the world just lies when they get a not funny email and reply to their buddy, “Good one, LOL!!” No one is stepping up and distinguishing between good and bad humor. I know laughter makes you younger and have good skin, but 98% of the forwards and clever web-sites I view just leave me feeling like I wasted 5 seconds of my life. Is it just me?

2. Trying too hard/Another’s mishap:
People are just trying too hard to be clever and I guess you could point that finger at me too. I mean there are funny things out there for sure, like Old Gregg, Unforgivable, and the Grape Lady, but in the end some of the funniest things are at another’s expense. Look at youtube and see what the highest ranked videos are, they are likely someone falling over or something, who doesn’t laugh when someone accidentally gets punched and falls over? Hahaha LOL. That is funny. But if you’ve seen one singing cat you’ve seen them all.

3. When is it okay to be odd?:
I need to know this answer. It’s like I have to tiptoe through life and feel out my present company to know which Q is allowed to be presented at that time. The Q that is himself and just says stuff because he feels like it, or the Q that has to “act” a certain way to fit in – or at least so that he doesn’t get scoff looks from people? Why can’t I just be myself all the time? Instead, I need to slowly start dropping my personal oddities/thoughts here and there to see if the reaction is okay and if yes then I know I can be myself. Well that sucks, I want to be me all the time.

4. Just be what society wants:
Maybe that is the answer and maybe this is what everyone else does? I can be myself when I am at home but in society I need to be normal. Is that what it has come too? It sounds funny me even saying this because we are in a time on Earth where all the crazies are allowed to wear their passion out loud to show who they are (crazy hairdos, thoughts, and outfits), showing the world how they really feel or how free they actually are. If this is the case, why do I feel the way I do?

To wrap this up - RAAAAAHHHH!!!! Haha. (insert scary dinosaur with long teeth, looking menacing)


Anonymous said...

Comment 1. I find not too many things funny on the net or on TV. I get told "didn't you think that was funny" when i am not laughing out loud like i should. BUT when i do find things funny i laugh hard and outloud. i am going to lash back and reply to these stupid emails that they are in fact stupid.

Comment 2. First, you are one of the most clever people i ever met. Second, I hate stupid vidoes that exploit other people hurting themsleves. not comedy to me.

Comment 3. I have recently come to terms with who i am and realized that eveyrone is not gping to like that person. I have been told that i walk to the beat of my own drum and I'm proud of that. I am tired of being worried abotu what everyone thinks when i open my mouth. Of course what i say is important and not stupid. It's coming out of MY MOUTH.

Comment 4. See above. (pretty much the same answer)

Chris aka Q to the Slice said...

As said by my favorite band Salt-N-Pepa, "You only live once and you're not coming back, so express yourself"