08 December 2008


if you could be awake always, without having to suffer from lack of sleep or other health issues....would you? It's a tough call for me, as my wife can probably attest to, but I like both dreaming and being awake so much that I'm not sure I could make a choice here. However, with our limited time on Earth I might pick part A (staying awake) because I'd hope that death is a long part B (dreaming).

Keep it real


ReqSpex1980 said...

Without suffering poor health, I'd have to agree and choose to stay awake.

While I'd miss dreaming - I could live an entire life besides the one I'm living now.

Instead of devoting the majority of good, awake, productive time to work, you'd be able to spend equal amounts of time on both necessary employment and... well... living.

"Side projects" like hunting Ween in New Hope can become involved persuits. Hobbies or something you "dabble in" can become mastered abilities.

Or you can take a leap towards a far-fetched goal that normally one couldnt without loss of job stability. You could devote 12 hours a day to your Top Tappers tapdance team, fail miserably at the America's Got Talent finals, without having to sacrafice stability.

...or maybe its not such a good thing...

Let's say someone has two career based "lives". They have dayjob as corporate career guy and exciting nightime job as under the table numbers runner for the mob.

Both are stable enough that they've come to expect a certain amount of income, and adjusted their lifestyle accordingly. They enjoy it but... dont love it.

Now say they're presented with a chance to do something they love, with only a possibility of it being lucrative... could a man put TWICE the stability of a normal life at risk, possibly sacrificing it for nothing? Or does man just buckle under that type or pressure, always afraid because there's that much more at stake?

Do we cower?

Wait what were we talking about?

AWAKE all the time. Right. I dunno. Would we even lay in beds? Or would be they just be decorative sex tables?

At the same time I could work full time while going to a school thats a little more involved then an online degree.

I'd miss waking up next to someone, but yeah. Awake.


not chris said...

I agree, good thoughts. Makes me want to see that one fresh prince movie again, like the remake john....about living in a city with your dog and barely any money (but he has a mustang and a great science lab)