01 January 2012

Julia #89 (A-)

A new year and time to recap what's occurred so far.  I have just watched my 89th movie.  I started this "journey" on July 5th.  That gives me approximately 180 days left...half way there...and I still have 111 movies to go.  I need to average 18.5 movies a month.  That means I have to get busy.  December wasn't that successful with only 11 movies watched in full (I watched about 6 movies half-way but that doesn't count).  Now onto Julia:

Another bizarre-ass movie - I guess not as bizarre as Repo Man.  The plot in a nutshell: Tilda Swinton, who I've never seen act before and who does a good job, gets wrapped in to help her semi-friend to create an elaborate plot to get her son back.  Her friend, who doesn't ever get to see her son due to the son living with the father etc., asks Tilda (Julia) to help her kidnap the boy in an attempt to get the mom and son back together again and I think to get money from the dad (yes indeed, the mom asked for help for money as the main goal).  For the rest of the movie the actual mom is basically out of the picture and Tilda/Julia and the son are off on a bizarre adventure (for lack of better word) as she takes him out of the country.  I guess the cool twist is that after she kidnaps the boy and runs far away to get the grandfather and father of the boy to give her money etc., some locals kidnap the boy while she's sleeping.  So, thusly there are two kidnappings.  Then she has to play the part of a vigilante-hardcorps-badguy to get the boy back from the 2nd kidnapping.  There were about 45 strong minutes of action and the movie ended up being pretty darn cool with some intense scenes.  No subtitles either.  Santos, the main badguy is awesome!  He should be in more movies.  I recommend this title.  Here is Santos being awesome:

Side note: please realize my mistake from above.  I mentioned that I had never seen Tilda Swinton in a movie before but apparently I'm a liar.  I've seen a bunch of her movies but don't really recall her.  I guess she either disguises herself well or is just a supporting actor and less noticeable.  For instance, I've seen The Beach, Vanilla Sky, I think I've seen Adaptation, The Chronic (what) cles of Narnia, and Burn After Reading.  I think of all of those, I can only picture her in The Chronic (what) cles of Narnia as one of the witches or queens or something.  She would have been good in Alice and Wonderland, or basically as any role Cate Blanchett plays.  Also I noted that both Cate and Tilda are in that Benjamin Button movie together.  Probably playing twins since they might be the same person.

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