10 June 2012

#133 Tucker & Dale vs. Evil (A!)

Dear Mr. director Eli Craig,

     Bravo holmes!  Hell of a movie.

Signed yours truly.

My buddies were definitely right.  Since I've seen this movie (back on May 28th, but just now getting around to posting about it - also please note I just posted Killer Elite from May but I let that one sit back with the May posts)....anyway, since I've seen this - I have been able to recommend it to a few folk.  Only one has watched it thus far that I am aware of and he loved it.  If you are a genre jumper like me and are willing to watch a movie for what it is and with an open mind, as well as being able to understand that when I rate something an A that it is indeed an A within it's genre and not to be compared to the likes of Braveheart....then I say to you sir, give this movie a try.  It's a slasher-comedy flick, a la Doghouse or Severance....but I have to say, it's much better than both of those even though Severance was a very good movie.  Actually, to me Tucker & Dale vs. Evil is up there with Hot Fuzz.

Quite honestly, if you are old enough and also willing to watch a gory slasher flick - then you have to at least give this a chance.  It's for all types of movie goers and I guarantee that you will laugh once you push play.  I credit the main actor, Dale, with his superb acting as a redneck ability.  He really does a good job and I'm anxious to see more of his acting.  Here is his IMDB (c) page - his name is Tyler Labine: IMDB page for Dale from Tucker & Dale movie  Tyler Labine is definitely an up and coming Nick Frost type.  I'm a fan.

So to recap, if you like comedies - specifically good ones where you actually laugh, not just fake it - and can be okay with some impaling scenes....then push play on this epic journey.  I need to see it again starting NOW.

This user from Netfizzle (c) says it very eloquently:

I wasn't sure what to expect from this movie, but thankfully it's an absolutely hilarious riff on the cabin in the woods genre. It's not one of those awful parody films like "Superhero Movie", you can tell this film was made by people who love the genre and there are nice little references to Texas Chainsaw and Evil Dead and other films sprinkled throughout. The cast is great and Alan Tudyk and Tyler Labine are great together. It isn't a splatstick film, it's bloody but it isn't overly gory so feel free to watch with your weak-stomached friends. I saw this at the Dallas International Film Fest and the entire audience was rolling with laughter and gave a huge round of applause at the end. The director said the main complaint he gets about the film is that there isn't enough nudity, but I think you'll be to busy laughing to care.

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