22 July 2012

Cronos #147 (A)

"We're open all night"

I give it a solid A.  It's one to be proud of when discussing obscure movies with other movie lovers.  If you haven't seen it yet, then I'm the winner in this equation - do yourself a favor and go rent it.

Man I love it when and older movie is recommended to me, or I randomly stumble upon it, and then I push play and pure greatness ensues.  I bet there are so many more great movies out there which I just don't know about.  So many I likely can't even begin to put a dent into the thousands dubbed 'worth watching before I die'.  What I want to know is - where are the people congregating who watch these great films and then recommend them to you?  Where can I go to be told: "the following list of movies is awesome and right up your (my) alley"?  Where can I go to find out that there is an obscure recommended movie out there that isn't a blockbuster-hollywood-dud (read movies like Iron Man 2).  I say to those people who watch awesome movies, please tell me about them....those movies that are out there like this, I welcome you.

Is there a book club that exists but really is for nerd movie lovers?  I'm not talking about watching Casablanca and then writing an essay about how awesome it is, I'm talking about getting together and chatting about and also recommending movies like Cronos to others.  But not physically, more like on-line.  Perhaps if Mania.com (c) was better.  I know there are tons of web-sites out there where people give their opinions and recommend their top 10 etc.  That is helpful I suppose, but if there was really just one place that everyone goes.  I guess IMDB (c) could be the place.  I just need to go and navigate there more to find out if it's fantastic and full of great recommendations.  I believe I saw that you can put lists on there and argue if movies were good or not....so, I guess that is the place.  I know I say this all the time, but Mania.com (c) needs to be better.  They don't even go back in time with their articles, discussing oldies but goodies.  I could be their guy.  Hire me and I will review older movies, instead of focusing on the next Avengers movie and discussing what the bad guy from Fast and the Furious part 6 will look like.  One more thought and then I'll stop discussing my issues and get on with the Cronos review.  And that one thought is: maybe it would be cool if eventually people just came to my blog and we could discuss movies here.  It would be fantastic if people would watch a movie just because I reviewed it and recommended it.  And then in the comments section they write their thoughts on my thoughts, and their own thoughts on the piece.  It will happen someday.  In the meantime I will settle for my two or three normal visitors that come here to check out what I'm throwing down.

Sorry about that rant.  I probably should delete those two paragraphs.  Now onto Cronos....I say hella fantasticness if you ask me.  Definitely a well rounded movie versus one that is all out action/horror/suspense.  It had good acting.  Which I am beginning to appreciate more and more, especially after watching movie #146 (Oliver Stone garbage) this weekend.  The main character named Jesus Gris - played by Federico Luppi - was superb.  That's acting at it's best.  The plot was about an antique dealer (Jesus Gris) who finds a device which looks like a bug and apparently once it sinks it's gold arms into you, it can bring you immortality.  A dying older gentleman who lives in a warehouse of sorts has been studying this bug device throughout history and wants it for his own, because he is dying and wants to be immortal.  His nephew (I believe), played by Hellboy, was basically his errand runner throughout the movie and was sticking around to get his hands on the old man's will - but that's not apparent until close to the end.  Basically Hellboy works to help his old-dying uncle get the device.  I don't want to really say much more about this film as I don't want to ruin it.  What an awesome review!  Ha!  In short, just watch it.  It's a Guillermo del Toro epic.  He's quickly becoming one of my favorite directors.  I just need to get my hands on that director's cut of Mimic and I'm all set!  I heard it's the berries even if he didn't have the ending he wanted.

I liked how this took place in the "future", aka 1997...and was released in 1993.  Also Ron Perlman was good in this.  I wanted to take a picture of him trying on different noses, but I was having some issues capturing that madness.  Ok, I'm going to go get some eggplant and then watch Don't Look Now from 1973.


Anonymous said...

First off, I added this piece to my netflix queue but in doing so added the wrong one (mispelled it as Chronos), which pulled up a bunch of weird recoomendations, most of which I couldn't pronounce and many of which didn't have actors in them. Like, no actors. Is that possible?
2nd, have you played with the Taste Profile feature on Netflix? This seems pointless to me. I've selected all my favorite genres/moods as accurate as possible, and also rated 2,296 movies to date (no lie), and it stills recommends Japanese anime and the 40 Year Old Virgin and Jim Carey's The Mask. Crap I don't want to see. Why doesn't it recommend stuff like Cronos or Hunter Prey or Trash Humpers? The system is flawed bro. Curse it. I get most of my recomended movies from you r blog or in the review section of other flicks I watched, like when people say "it was good but not as good as Werner Herzog's film such and such". Namsayne?

Anonymous said...

Thanks to the mobile phone SHIT?!?! with posting replies my entire reply was lost. Fun! I have tried that and it doesn't work that well. The "if you liked this, you'll like this" option - connected to individual movies is pretty cool though.

Chris aka Q to the Slice said...

Have you seen it yet?

Anonymous said...

Have you seen it yet? Yet?