08 March 2007

be an optimist, don't do crunches and eat healthier - this combo apparently is the success to a healthy and happy life

I just learned the title of this BLOG the other day when I logged off one of my 1,200 things in life which entail entering a password and username. (I have to stop already and say something that has been on my mind for the past 2+ years: BBBBBLLLLLLOOOOOOOOGGGGGGG!! There I said it and that helped). Okay, now quickly read the first sentence again if you need to because I am going to attempt to get back to the initial point....you know, when you log on and then log off and *POOF* there is a page full of pictures, blinking text, and links which the parent web-site has set up for your eyes to gaze at. AND, occasionally one of the parent web-page's catchy items actually captures your eye and they win - you clicked the link they wanted you to click and you end up the bastard. Then someone on the other end makes a dollar and says "silly human"... (Just to clarify, I have a firm belief in life in which either the person who develops the web-page or the person that writes the article does in fact get a dollar)...and you get zipped across the cyber-universe to some 'random-catch-your-eye' story. Anyway, this one particular linked story I happened to click on the other day told me how to better my life: to "make it happier and healthier". I was immediately intrigued. I ended up fully agreeing with that linked story in the end. It simply said, be optimistic, DON'T do crunches, and eat healthy. Done, fine by me. They are right and I now have a new lifestyle. It is my new philosophy. The article went on to talk about each item individually (blah blah blah) but I didn't have the patience to read beyond paragraph one. I had what I needed to fix my life forever, thanks Mr. Author. I have to say if it were not for articles like this how would I survive. How would any of us survive? I have a feeling the average person has the attention span of the average person (statistically speaking). I have the attention span of someone under that of the average person. So hint to those that write stuff: don't forget to write it all in the title and the first two sentences of your story. Much like I have in this post/bloggy.


marc said...

Well I only read the title and first sentence before deciding on my comment, which is

For the last two weeks I've been doing crunches in the morning. It seems much easier than the other two.

Chris aka Q to the Slice said...

I don't know, optimism isn't so bad. I think that is probably easier than crunches and it totally negates my favorite Author's point.

Chris aka Q to the Slice said...

sorry, I take back this post. I just saw the movie 300 and I think I will be doing like 1,000 crunches a day.

Adam said...

No crunches for me in a long time, eating healthy is about 50/50 but I am a huge supporter of being optimist and postive in everything. Nothing is that bad that you can't over come but too many people throw in the towel instead of looking at the big picture. Yes, set backs suck but if you give up, they are much worse. Try whistling while you walk around from place to place. People notice your attitude and it is infectious. Small things to make the day better.