07 February 2008

being a Dad

More and more funny events keep happening as my Dad-time on Earth grows larger. Here are two recent instances:

My 4.5 year old was riding with me in the car on our way to soccer lessons on Saturday and asked me, "Daddy, why don't you have your straight signal on?" It took me a minute but after final absorption of his statement I realized he had a very good point. It's very astute of him to make that correlation actually. If we use signals to go left and right - why not for going straight? I then proceeded to tell him most drivers can't even find the left and right signals because they are lazy and stupid and don't care to let others know their intent while driving a large piece of potentially deadly sharp metal, thus creating 13% more accidents monthly...and by asking them to also put on a straight signal would be just asking too much.

Another event with the same child as noted above occurred on the way home from swimming lessons on Tuesday. He was watching the directional indicator (N, S, E, W and NW, NE etc.) on my car dash as we drove in different directions. It was stuck on W for a long time and he asked me, "Daddy, when is Y going to come?" Funny stuff. Large corporations should hire 4.5 year olds to solve internal problems.

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