14 February 2008

The Ocean

Dudes, have you ever hear that song 'The Ocean' by Led Zeppelin? It is pretty groovy. Classic rock sounding for sure. I do actually recognize this one from the radio, however never really listened very hard to it.

Let me explain this seemingly stupid statement. About 10 months ago I asked my pal if he could burn me copies of some of the Zeppelin stuff, because I haven't really ever gotten into them, nor do I know what they sing when compared to the Doors, Beatles, etc. (they sort of all were in one big pot to me). Anyway as nice of a pal as he is, he bought me the entire box set from Zeppelin. So I added all 85 songs to my iPod and then occasionally on shuffle (iPod) I will get to hear on of their songs (amongst the other 6,300). Today I heard 'The Ocean'. Pretty good. You should check it out sometime.

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