11 March 2008

Can we rekindle this conversation?

A) A friend of mine claims that saying "God Bless You" after a sneeze is a pagan ritual of some sort.

B) Don’t you think instead we should say, "May God Bless You" when we first see someone in the morning as more of a spraying of holy words uponst a person to protect them and make them mentally prepared as well as mentally well? And then when someone sneezes we say, "Good Morning" as in I hope you have a good rest of the morning now that you have just sneezed. Basically now that your sneeze is over I hope you - starting just now - have a good morning?

>>> Friend X >>>
I heard that saying God bless you was because your heart temporarily stops when you sneeze, and God will help it start back up when you're done sneezing. So when you see someone sneeze and immediately afterwards they are still alive, you just witnessed a miracle. Understand?


I liked this explanation the best:
"Your soul can be thrown from your body when you sneeze, and saying "bless you" prevents your soul from being stolen by Satan or some evil spirit. Thus, "bless you" or "God bless you" is used as a sort of shield against evil."

I had a thought (regard) the other night. Have you ever had deja vu? Well I had it twice last week alone. Deja vu is a concept that always blew my mind, honestly why do you think it happens? Did time fold over on itself and you're re-doing something you've already done and you're remembering the first time as you do it again?

>>> Me >>>
Or is it just a recurrence of a situation that is so similar to a previous situation that it's virtually identical? Yes, I believe it is this.

>>> Friend X >>>
Whatever it is, it only lasts for a few seconds and then the feeling is gone. Anyway, my thought/point is that I am going to start keeping a log of my deja vu experiences inclusive of the day, time and situation (action being performed and the whatever I was thinking about at the time). Then after about a year I will look at my data, graph it and look for patterns. My goal is to figure out an equation for calculating my next deja vu experience, and then you can come over and be there to videotape it when it happens and then we can put it on You Tube, titled "Guy having Deja Vu at XYZ o'clock, date". Get back to me ASAP on this.

>>> Me >>>
Even more powerful is the viewing of an oasis. Wow, that is crazy bro. Ya' ever see that bro?

>>> Friend X >>>
Yeah but what if it's this: when you die you immediately restart your life at the beginning in 1976, and each time you get to make new choices and lead your life into a different direction, but every once in a while you cross over times where you were doing/thinking the same exact thing at the same time in your previous life, causing a temporal rift in the universe that we know as deja vu? Q, this is the answer. Just say yes. In your reply to this, just put yes:

>>> Me >>>
Yes. Why didn’t you talk about the oasis phenomenon? Back to deja vu and your thoughts - seriously that's impossible. Haven't you ever seen Back to the Future? You can't mess with the items or events that occurred in the past or it will change everyone else's life, i.e. don't kiss your mom at the dance. But, I don't want to discredit your thoughts, because I think they are strangely brilliant although likely wrong. However it does give me some other thoughts about stuff like folding time. I just think deja vu is always very stupid for me - like I remember my wife saying something about the same thing in the same tone just a few days ago. It always happens only a few days apart. It isn't like I got deja vu from 19 years ago, just now. Are yours normally relatively close together? I think it probably has something to do with your mind playing tricks on you and likely the first event was close in similarity to the second and your brain, albeit simple, got totally confused.

Does the other person involved, if your deja vu involves another person, ever have it too along with you? Mine never does. They just look at me like, "okay Q, whatever". Normally I yell it too, like this "WOW, DEJA VU - Did you feel that???” What boggles my mind is that we only tap like 30% of our brain's potential. I always wanted to find a way to think really hard and tap into mine more, and get to like 75%. That would mean at that point I could throw things across the room with my brain. I can't wait until I find that way to tap into my brain harder and better. When that happens I could be pouring coffee on your head from way over here, with my brain.


>>> Friend X >>>
In my next life I will watch American Psycho in the theatre on opening night.

>>> Me >>>
Let's talk about exorcisms now. Earlier when I was reading your rant I thought how these were probably faked in the past and then I remembered about the Latin etc. that is spurted out and realized that the devil really does enter certain people through out time. What's up with that friend? Sometimes that scares the crap out of me, possessed people that is. Now they just throw them into a padded room and dose them up and never let anyone know what really goes on.


>>> Friend X >>>
Agreed, exorcisms are crazy and blow my mind. If I were to have a top 10 list of things that are unexplainable and I want answers to asap, the list would include: nothing in space, where does the universe end and what is on the other side, deja vu, evil possessions, and fire (seriously, what the heck is it, it's not alive and doesn't have mass and isn't made of electricity like lightning, yet it grows and is always pissed and it's sole purpose is to consume and destroy. Is fire a demon?) I'd also like to know more about being inside the inside-out disco ball and what it would look like to shine a flashlight in.

Let me know what would be on your top ten list, I'll get started on my final draft.

>>> Me >>>
1. body overtake/possession
2. aliens (in general I need to know more about this)
3. government secrets etc.; things they hide (aliens, underground lairs, etc.) and certain truths versus what they tell the public
4. space: how far does it go? distance wise and what the heck is out there? is it evil?
5. spontaneous combustion - I know there are specials about this, but I sort of don't buy it. I need the truth
6. alien abduction
7. folding time
8. the afterlife
9. how twins think alike etc.
10. ghosts

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always heard that when you sneeze, your soul jumps out of you and when you say God Bless You, he puts it back in.