27 July 2011

Sid & Nancy 17 (D)


I really thought this would be cool and again this was a movie I had wanted to see for many years. I will say that it was a good job by Gary Oldman, but this was boooooring. I suppose the "based on a true story" part made it okay, but geez I was totally not into this. It really didn't go anywhere, other than to show daily life. There was a lot of skipping from scene to scene. I actually found myself wondering why they were in like 15-20 different houses throughout the movie. I guess it took place over many years? Who cares.

Actually, from what I've just read, it's apparently not too close to being based on a true story and people who were close to Sid didn't want to have anything to do with the movie, not like punk guys would want to do that anyway.

I like punk music etc., but didn't like this flick. I think I'm slightly stupider now for seeing this. Good day.

26 July 2011

The New York Ripper * 16 (D)

Why the quack sound? C'mon Fulci. That's no The Beyond. Ugh. There was one cool scene with an eyeball, seriously those who are horror fans should youtube that scene. LOL. That really was some of the worst acting and the plot was totally worthless. And that quack. So awful. As a quick recap, the killer had this awful duck sound, and he would call the one officer and quack into the phone, and quack before his arm (typical 70's filming) would come into the screen for a death scene. Bad horror movie. Bad Fulci, bad. Never would I ever see this again. 2 stars, barely.

21 July 2011

Red Hill * 15 (D)

well, Mondo movie guys screwed me on this one. They had this listed in their top 10 from 2010??? Wow, just awful. Barely watchable. I should have known after trying to watch Down Terrace. The bad dude didn't even talk and should have been easily killed like 4 times. Hey Mondo movie guys, stick to horror film reviews - sound good?

20 July 2011

An American Werewolf in London * 14 (A)

I had thought I had seen this movie before but I'm 99% sure I'm wrong. I think I only saw the first 15 minutes or so when they entered the Slaughtered Lamb pub and then them walking on the road (I know, pretty intense, I saw a ton of the movie prior). I owned this on VHS so it's really a shame I didn't keep watching as there were some really memorable scenes. Below is one of my favorites:

Very Peter Jackson-esch of old! Love it! First, I never knew the one main "good" guy dies immediately, so when that happened I was like, "No WAY, that didn't just happen". But then the movie led me down the fun path and I understood why he died. Great scene with the other main guy turning into a wolf. I watched that twice. This was a 5 star all around, should have trusted the Netflix viewers like me who rated it a 4.5+. Good day.

Also, great soundtrack!

18 July 2011

13: Not Your Typical BigFoot Movie (B-)

I truly feel bad for these guys. It's a shame that they are so passionate yet no one hears their story. They even have a movie about them, and still no one hears their story. Meaning people probably watch it and just laugh or shake it off, regardless if Yeti's are possible or not - not open-minded enough. Pretty fascinating actually. All the pictures etc., the better ones anyway. This is worth watching for those of my friends that like documentaries. I hate to do it, but it's sort of categorized up there with the likes of American Movie and the Winnebago Man, as I think they might (not really sure??) be poking fun at these guys?? Anyway, it's totally worth a watch. I believe - but not necessarily from these guys though.

12: The Legend of Hell House (D-)

The Mt. Everest of haunted houses. Good line! Wow, this one was pretty clunky. I like giving older horror flicks the benefit of the doubt, but it was not that great. Sorry Josh. Knowing the name as if it were up there with one of the greats - geez, it didn't hold it's own. I would probably never watch this again. Sadly. It's no Omen or The House by the Cemetery. I did truly enjoy the cat scenes (specifically when she spun the cat around in a whirlwind fashion, hilarious) and when she would speak with a demon voice, those scenes were clutch. But the rest equals a D - movie.

17 July 2011

The Virginity Hit - movie #11 (B+)

Even though the idea for this movie wasn't my favorite (people who constantly film stuff and put it all on youtube), it was surprisingly funny. I saw at the end that Will Ferrell produced this. It's definitely recommended if you can get past the videoing part. The 2nd main guy really sounds like the guy from Superbad. A lot of this movie reminded me of Superbad to be honest.

Quite honestly it's funny though. Rent it.

It's about a guy who hasn't lost his virginity. He has a fight with his girlfriend on the night he's supposed to lose it (of course, all on film) and then has a quest for about an hour trying to get laid. His friends support this quest.

16 July 2011

Monsters 10 (A)

Hmmm. Rave reviews and this movie went no where. It was almost like watching Stalker. I'm beginning to think I don't like any movies anymore. I need to step it up and watch a good one to get me out of my funk. I guess Harry Potter was good, so there's that. Also Rubber. Okay, I feel better now. Anyway, back to Monsters. It could have been way cooler.

-- I started writing the above with 33 minutes left in the movie, my new opinion is below --

This movie got real cool within the last 30 minutes. Ever since about when they woke up after the attack at night, about an hour in, where you couldn't see anything...from there going from their morning findings, followed by sleeping on Chiten Itza, and their journey into the USA and at the gas station...good journey/plot/film. I enjoyed it, especially the last 10 seconds. Cool ending.

15 July 2011

Harry Potter: the last one #9 (B+)

Well the muggles clapped, a lot. They clapped when the opening thing came one the screen, they clapped when everything happened, or someone was saved. It was good. Nice work person who wrote this series. JK Rowles or what have you. I do believe I liked these better than LOTR. Sorry Peter, go back to Bad Taste and Feebles. That is all. Plot spoiler...everyone dies.

13 July 2011

8 True Grit (B-)

The girl was annoying. Was her character in the first movie? To be honest, while it was good, I could have used some more Barry Pepper and Josh Brolin. I must note that the Bridges chap is a fine actor. Overall however, I give this movie a B - and an "eh".

12 July 2011

The Parking Lot Movie - 7 (documentary) (B)

"long periods of tedium, punctuated by brief moments of fuck you buddy..." Great line.

"...not only that, many of them are going to be sending my children to wars on other planets, and not only that...but they all just vomited on a Buick"

This honestly reminded me of my first main job as a kid. Honestly, and really, it did. We had our own rules and I felt this way on most days. Master of domain, master of rules, master of fun/no fun. The one dude dreams about taking tickets, I used to do that in similar regards. The movie was also a mini-roller coaster; as at first this seemed to be a great place to work and in the end I would never be able to work there.

10 July 2011

movie 6 - 44 Inch Chest (D-)

Another clunker. I think they were trying to be "cool" like snatch or lock stock, but this movie went no where and was really bad. It actually had a decent cast (lots of people from the two aforementioned movies). I should have turned this off. Alas, I did not and it was barely worth 1 star. Good day.

#5 Assault on Precinct 13 (B)

This ended up being a very entertaining movie. I was happy to have tried it out. Basic plot is that a cop gets his first night of duty in an office (precinct 13) that is shutting down the next day. A bus of 3 cons makes a pit stop for the night to use the cells at the precinct. There is a band of hooligans that are after a man who shot one of their own, and he happens to run into the precinct for help. It then becomes similar to the Horde (only no zombies) where the cops and the villains have to work together to blast asses. Definitely an oldie, but kept the excitement throughout. I believe at one point there was shooting for about 5 straight minutes with no dialog. That's all I really got to say about this one, but if you're game for an old one it's worth a check.

09 July 2011

4 Rubber (A)

"Freaking fantastic movie."

Q-Slice, St. Petersberg Post Gazelle - July 9, 2011

"Great sound. So luscious. (seriously)."

Scutio, New Zealand Journal of Medical Science - July 9 also

"Highly recommended. Just watch the trailer, followed by the full movie. Then say, 'I couldn't stop watching.'"

a ninja, Brownsville

08 July 2011

No. 3 is a ticket stubber - Cars 2 (B)

Only saw 2/3 of this piece son. My son decided he'd rather play in the lobby, so I don't know the ending. This one was barely about Lightning, rather about Mater and two spies. Odd. I wish I knew what happened. I count this as having seen it though, FYI.

07 July 2011

#2 Piranha (D+)

THIS MOVIE SUCKED (fyi, this movie sucked). WTF. But, I started trying to keep track of the cool deaths:

  • Fish through mouth was pretty cool. sort of.
  • Seeing that Connelly guy get his penis ripped off and then the fish burp it out was awesome.
  • Parasail scene was cool.
  • When the girl falls apart it was cool.
  • Ving Rhames and the boat propellor was good stuff.

Who am I kidding, this movie blew. I should have stopped it at 31 minutes when I thought about stopping the movie. I give it a D+

Movie #1; Mystic River (C)

I've seen this before and didn't realize. I think I know why, because it was slow/boring. Don't get me wrong - I thought the acting was good and the plot was good...and the cast was good. I really like Sean Penn and also Laura Linney. I don't think they could have done it any better. However I'm categorizing this as one of those that I never need to see again, again.

Addition: the funny thing about me seeing it for the 2nd time was that the only part of the story I really remember is the end part with Tim Robbins near the lake. I don't remember much about the young girl (Penn's daughter). Anyway, good day.

05 July 2011

Join on in for a movie challenge

I am going to attempt to watch 200 movies in the next calendar year...365 days. Join me, will you?