07 October 2012

Altered #164 (B)

So tell me, how long can you go with your intestines yanked out of you and stretched onto the other side of the room?  This one dude lasted for over an hour with his out - bet that's longer than you could last.  For most of the hour he held his intestines in his hands, compiled in a messy, knotty pile.

Basic plot summary of Altered: a few dozen years ago (although they show none of it, but it would make a great prequel) 5 guys have some sort of abduction experience.  Four of them make it back.  Three of them are still friends while one has been sort of shunned by the community because of what allegedly happened to the 5th guy that didn't come back.  Also the 4th guy stayed up on the ship longer than the others.....so, another reason the town blames him.

Hellbent on gaining revenge, the now adult friends trek out into the woods with home-made harpoon guns and shottys with taped on spot-lights...only to come home with a captured creature - same species that abducted them years prior.  They have no where to go but to the 4th friends house/warehouse.  From there they get into a world of trouble, as of course the creature escapes.  There is also a girlfriend involved, not sure why but they tie her up and put her in the bedroom with her mouth taped shut.  I guess so that the thing doesn't overtake her mind?  But then couldn't the alien also do that to the 4 friends?  A bit confused about that part.

When the cop shows up, there are some pretty good scenes and dialog.  I like when he's dying, all he wants is to get a final Yeungling (c).  LOL.  I also liked watching the guy who got infected turn into a ball of mess.  That was good special effects.  He was falling apart at the end.  Literally.  That guy was a good actor.  He remained mean and mad despite having his insides coming outside and his other body parts, like his face, falling off.  I also dug the friend with the crazy mullet hair - he was also a good actor.  I'd see more with him in it.  Hell, they all do a good job considering.

When the "altered" friend was in the field, why do the other creature/aliens not see him?  That was odd.  Maybe with a second viewing I'll understand better.  Unfortunately at this point I don't have time to make for a second viewing of this low-budget "masterpiece".  But, I recommend it for sure and give it a solid B.

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