20 October 2012

The Abominable Dr. Phibes #167 (B)

Poetic plot recap, spoken in 70's verse:

'The incredible legends of the abominable Dr. Phibes began a few short years ago.  All of them unfortunately true.  It was here, in London's fashionable Malden Square, whence Phibes ventured out to work his diabolical revenge against those responsible for the death of his beloved wife Victoria, and the destruction of his own face - making it necessary to talk though an ingenius mechanism in his neck. Phibes says, "my wife existed only 6 minutes on the operating table...you murdered her...when the acid reaches him, he will have a face....like....mine!"

The most brilliant minds of Scotland Yard were baffled, as the amazing murders continued each more feandish than the last.  And in his soundproof basement of his mansion....none could hear his flamboiant songs of triumph and revenge, played on his organ and by his ingenius clockwork musicians.

"We have got to find Phibes!"  Only by a stroke of amazing luck did the police seek out Malden Square.  But the feendish Dr. Phibes was prepared for such an emergency, and building his face anew, he entered the cript where he had enshrined his beloved wife, incredibly maintained, neither alive nor completely dead.  And there Phibes placed himself in suspended life, like her....until it would be time for Phibes to rise again!'

Cue sequel music!!  I can smell it!  (and because its currently 2012 - I know for a fact that there is indeed a sequel)

I applaud two of the killings by Dr. Phibes, as they happen right under the nose of the inspectors.  Phibes is specifically creative with all 8-9 of his killings, however the brass head of a unicorn catapulted across the street and through the chest of an unsuspecting victim is one of the best.  He also loves death by creature.  Lets see - there was death by bat, locust, rat...and in a way there was death by frog.  Totally rad.  I have a feeling that this movie inspired the creator of the "Saw" series, especially that last death scene.  Each death was elaborate and disgusting...all while the killer was nowhere to be found.   Excellent.

Like the Gore Gore Girls, this movie fit the mold of those taboo horror movies from its time.  I learned of this movie from a tip from someone stating this was a brilliant horror classic from the 70's - containing crazy, purposefully calculated offings.  Whoever suggested this was right.  This is my first Vincent Price movie.  However hopefully not my last.

Also one quick statement about Phibes band, which was named Dr. Phibes' Clockwork Wizards.  They were found within an elaborate organ room in Phibes' mansion, and were composed of moving dummies who played various instruments while Phibes played along on the organ.  

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