09 December 2012

Crawlspace #176 (B-)

This is not to be confused with the Klaus Kinski version (click here for my review on the Klaus Kinski version), but is also a pretty swell movie.  They are completely separate movie plots just with the same name.  I believe the Crawlspace I'm reviewing here was initially a made for TV film, but you can get it on DVD.  I would say it isn't a main streamer and is probably more for someone who is willing to sit and watch an older, slower paced movie without too many gimmicks.  The plot is a nice, traditional family (husband and wife only) who could not have children, find a strange squatter in their basement crawlspace.  Because they always wanted kids, they decide to befriend this random oddball.  They feed him and give him clothes, and invite him for Christmas dinner.  For the most part, "Richard" (aka the crawl space hippy troll) declines their invites and chooses to stay where he's most comfortable, wedged between the basement ceiling and a drafty floor/straw.  The family finally convinces Richard to go to the store to get them groceries, but the store folk make fun of Richard and he ends up leaving empty handed and even without his $20.  Later that night, Richard heads back and trashes the store.  The town folk then want Richard's head on a platter, and the nice older couple does their best to defend Richard...despite knowing that he's wrong.  One thing leads to another and bad stuff happens, you'll have to watch to find out.  I did enjoy this flick though, a pretty fun and strange older movie.  I like seeing twisted movies from the 70's.

If this happened in this day, it would be certainly different results.  The family was just like, "oh, there's a young man living in the basement, in a hole full of cobwebs and straw....let's give him a suit and some cookies!  And pretend like he's our long lost son."  Heck....what the hell!?

When I rent a movie, versus watch it on streaming - my picture/screenshot ability is greatly limited.  Thus I apologize for the two awful pictures below.  Yes, that is my lamp in the reflection and yes, the 2nd shot is blurry:

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