03 April 2013

The Corridor #188 (B-)

The preview for this movie made it look cool.  I think I saw the preview when I rented Kill List.  Then I started watching, and immediately I knew...actually that's a lie, it started poorly and I didn't immediately know anything.  But I continued to give it a chance and found, this was one of those movies that are a notch above a Cinemax (c) release, yet still no Deathrace 2000, yet the ending becomes one worth watching...so I give it a B-.  For a lazy Saturday (sans kids) it's worth a pusha playa.  But, it's not the strongest B- ever.


Anonymous said...

I wanted to post so much more on this post about this movie.but a few people recently have told me that shorter is better. anyway a few key points have been left out, namely the psycho patty cake part and the part that made me jump, which was the mom on the VHS tape

Anonymous said...

Homey remember The Corridor? Remember the toupee scene? Remember our emails about this today? Good times brah