22 August 2011

32: Harpoon: Whale Watching Massacre (A-)

With so many movie selections and recommendations of late to choose from, I chose 'Harpoon: Whale Watching Massacre'. The title doesn't leave much to desire, almost made me believe it would be a comedy or campy horror film. But, it was not, and I can say you certainly were right dude. This movie was fantastic!! Definitely the 'Funny Games' of Icelandic boat missions. I'm pretty sure everyone wins by watching this flick.

Now I have to see where it falls on the movie list and tell all my friends who like horror flicks to watch this ASAP. I wonder why Netflix (c) doesn't have it rated higher for viewers like me? I just found out why. Reading the reviews - people hated it. I can't believe it, the movie was so entertaining. One guy called it "stupid, stupid, stupid...and a waste of time." Man, I could watch this movie over and over! It was a delight :) Definitely a must own. This movie kicks movies like Piranha or Frozen's asses.

I've also realized I need to get off the horror movie kick I'm on. Perhaps a comedy or something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just bought this! Must own = achieved