05 August 2012

Don't Be Afraid of the Dark #156 (C-)

Opening scene...very awesome!  And as it turns out, also very deceptive.  As they start building the plot.....I said to myself, "okay...I can handle Katie Holmes and Guy Pearce, especially if they are in a Guillermo del Toro film.  This should be good.  So let's see what he's got."  And thus I keep watching.  But then there are these things within the fire vent.  You don't get a real good look at them, typical horror movie style.  However, then they speak.  What?  Really?  They say, "Sssssssshe will come back, they always dooooooo"in a snake-slithery voice and then you get a glimpse of what looks like white glowing eyes within the grate.  Hmmmm.  Did the vent just whisper and did I just see glowing eyes?!  Is this a Jim Henson project?  Guillermo, please tell me you didn't produce a clunker??  I ended up dubbing this scene as the turning point of the movie.

As I continued watching, I got more and more disappointed.  Sure those little guys (see below) are pretty neat...done well etc., a la Subspecies or The Gate...but not neat enough for me to like the film.  I almost wish Guillermo didn't ever direct this.  I have a few gripes about the movie.  1) most of the movie is the little girl seeing and hearing the below pictured tiny beasts (they are probably about as big as my hand) and then when she tries to tell an adult, they don't believe her.  EVEN after she has photographic proof.  Pretty frustrating that this 'feeling' or mood happens throughout the movie.  I don't want to see that little girl be the only one involved.  I want to see those little things rip everyone apart and have all run for the hills in fear of them.  Or just be subtle little killers, not attack in a group and be all messy etc. (they don't attack very organized-like).  2) My second gripe is the little guys whisper the ENTIRE movie.  They call out her name softly, of course in perfect English because as you know most little beings from deep holes found within basement mansions speak perfect English.  "Sally......Ssssssaaaaaaaaally."  At one point they were talking to each other too, "We will go deeper.....and come out when they forget."  And then one will reply, "We will.  We will."  So dumb.  3) what does the movie title even mean?  Don't Be Afraid of the Dark???  That could be the name of any horror movie, but doesn't really make any sense for this one.  Some of the scenes even happen in the day light.  The title makes it seem that only in pitch black can these little monsters creep out and try to get you.  Also, the little girl has a spine of steel because she's barely scared.  So, there goes another piece of the title.  She spends her days going into a basement filled with cobwebs and sticking her face in an open hole in the wall.  I guess it should have been called, "Speaking Rats from a Hole" or possibly, "del Toro's Epic Whispering Bad-guy Fail Movie"....4) How in the hell is it possible that 3-4 times in the movie those little guys are trying to get the girl, yet somehow the door is always locked?  The adults are trying to break in from the outside as she screams from the inside....that is completely annoying.  Guillermo, seriously?  And you were embarrassed to have Mimic on your resume?  But then you put out this crap?  5) at one point one of those little guys gets squashed by a giant book case (but the door is locked and the girl is by herself), but then the adults break in...and she says something like, "I swear they were here...here look at this picture."  Instead of saying, "LOOK AT THIS DEAD ONE THAT I F-ING SQUASHED" she says look at this picture.  But the adults of course still don't believe her.  And finally point #6) For the last 30 minutes the little girl is photographing everything with a Polaroid.  If you watch, you will know why this is annoying.

The one cool scene aside from the beginning scene is when Katie Holmes' legs get snapped backwards.  But that is about it.  After this movie I decided it was time to own/watch the director's cut of Mimic, which is supposedly WAY better of an ending than the non-director's cut version, even if Guillermo still didn't really get his way with the entire editing.  So I bought it on Blu-Ray.  Should be here in a few days.

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