26 August 2012

Ka-Boom (D) #159

Wow, what a mess.  I thought this was going to be semi-amazing, or at least watchable.  Man was I wrong.  Witches?  Glowing red eyes?  Forehead glowlight magic?  Voodoo magic?  An underground illuminati type club filled with young good looking kids?  Way too much sex?  Geez!  I would have rather watched "Gargoyles", the made for TV masterpiece (loosely said).  If you cannot tell and thus stamped for the record - I do not recommend this at all.  Gregg Araki failed in my opinion.  Seriously, how many obnoxiously cut flashes between scenes can one movie have?  Like when you flip from one screen to another on your smart phone and it goes different ways - one time a horizontal flip, another time it is like a vortex spin, etc.  The editing with these cuts were unorthodox and at times occurred mid-song - whereas it made the timing almost seem like a mistake.  The song would just stop when the scene would change, in a crazy "Hey-look-what-I-learned-to-do-with-my-fancy-editing-equipment" annoying type of way.  Yeah....this movie sucked.

I forget how I got Ka-Boom on my radar, but whatever it was, or whomever it was....I wish I hadn't listened.  The plot, as well as the acting, was just awful.  Hell, even the casting was awful (read as: the roomate, the gay beach guy, the Dad, Lorilai, etc.).  Some of the people were okay I suppose, like the main actor and the two main girls, but then you put them in this craphole for a movie and their performance goes way down.  I have to ask, was this made for a direct release onto Cinemax (c)?

The basic gist of this film was a kid in college, who has sex with anything that moves, keeps blacking out at parties only to find out that some crazy shit has been going down during his down time.  He thinks a girl was murdered, "maybe" and right in front of him nonetheless - by people wearing animal masks.  A bunch of other dumb shit happens.  More sex.  More animal masks.  More dumb shit.  And then he finds out he's the chosen one and expected to lead an army of underground whatevers as the world is heading towards the end, or something like that.  Totally dumb.  And everyone is in on it.  And then the world blows up....Hence Ka-Boom.  Plot spoiler alert I guess...sorry.

And hell, I normally totally love movies with people wearing animal masks.  D!

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