10 January 2013

Django Unchained #179 (B)

I can't help but wonder how this movie is doing among the masses?  It was really good acting - that is minus the cameo by Quentin.  About Quentin and his acting, it's so apparent that there is an actor on the screen who isn't "really an actor" and who basically sucks.  I'm not sure why he insists on being on screen.  I guess I would do the same so I can understand, but perhaps I would not have myself talk if I wasn't any good.  Be on screen like Peter Jackson is on screen in most of his movies, in the background (minus Bad Taste, one of the best movies in the world).  Anyway, Quentin did ensure that he goes out in style - in the form of an over the top explosion death.  The theatre (and myself) laughed at that.

The main bounty hunter reminded me of an older Jason Schwartzman.  Apparently he was one of the main characters in Inglorious Basterds, but I can't recall exactly.  I'm sure if I put it on I would recall very quickly.  Anyway, he did a good job.  His name is Christopher Waltz.  Re: Leonardo, he does swell too...Samuel L. also.  It's really good acting, all of it.  Jamie Foxx was superb.  I just read something where Leo describes his character as rotting from the inside.  That's funny.

Along with the acting being grand all around was the story - which was also good.  And there was a lot of Quentin's famous blood and guts and explosions.  But I guess there was something that just bothered me, hence my question at the top about wondering how this flick did among the masses.  What bothered me was the language used.  That's why I'm a tiny bit down on this movie.  I think I heard that there is some criticism on the movie about this - and that was my qualm as well.  It made me uncomfortable.  I left the theatre saying to myself that I honestly don't know that I'd want to see the movie again, specifically because of the non-stop language used.  I know it was about a time period in history where slavery was the norm...but every sentence and phrase (it felt like) had unnecessary language used to describe the slaves.  Maybe unnecessary is the wrong word, just over the top.  Too much.  For me anyway.

Still, hell of a movie.  So I have to give it a B.  Pretty typical Tarantino, with the normal quirks and filming.  Including one of his famous 'spin-around-the-characters-with-the-camera-while-they-converse' scenes.  I just looked on RottenTomatoes.com (c) and they show that the critics give it an 89% and the viewers a 94%.

1 comment:

Chris aka Q to the Slice said...

some of the write ups on this are saying that the word was used 110 times. Crazy.