30 April 2012

Everything Must Go - With guy from SNL/Taledega Knight

I just made it through 4 minutes of this movie.  It sucked.  I pushed stop and will never watch anymore ever good day.  No rating, no number.  This movie can suck it.


Rooting for Franky Liriano over the years has me feeling similar to the way the fantasy coach that has stuck through thick and thin with Edison Volquez feels.  Basically, it's fantastic!  Like, Fantastic Mr. Fox fantastic!  That's how fantastic (subtle sarcasm here).  No real offense to Volquez intended with that set of statement(s).  But do you feel what I’m laying down?  They are similar players in a way.  It’s very apparent that I am aware of that potential he’s got lurking around in there....and I’m sucked fully back in each year.  Then I ride along as we find out which Franky we will get.  when he throws a gem (or is it jem?) I become elated and say I told you so during my banter.  but then get slapped in the face 6 times in a row between these jem outings - with something along 3 homers allowed, 4 BB and 6 ERs.  Why do I even believe?  I guess because he’s a phenom.....much like Bryce H.  If he can just live up to the fact that he's being watched by about 1/16th of the planet and then just let it loose - he could be the best ever (on a scale of best ever players; 1 - 1,000).  That fact right there is actually the only one, but I'll pretend there is another one in convincing fashion in the next few sentences and paragraphs, but really these won't be that important). That coupled with the fact that he has only really ever had one good year.  I mean, it really wasn't even that good.
  1. 28 games
  2. 16 starts
  3. 12 - 3 record
  4. 1 save
  5. 1 hold.  reminder to self to look up BABIP)
  6. 121.0 IP
  7. 89 hits.  Do you believe that, 89!  In 121.0.  What's his WHIP you ask?  Let's first get to his BBs
  8. moving on....29 ER, 9 HR allowed
  9. 32 BBs
  10. 144 K.  So, per inning, is that over 1.00?  Just barely I think.  Just over 1 K per inning is good per what I've heard over the years.  If you can ever get around 1.00 or even 0.98 K per inning at the end of a statistical count, you win my friend.  so, let's just chalk 144 K over 121.0 IP pretty good.
  11. on to ERA....it was 2.16.  Averagewinkwink.
  12. 1.00 WHIP
  13. .205 op-BA
That was 2006 above, by the way.

In 2010 he had 191.2 innings and put down 201 K with a respectable 3.62 ERA and a .252 opponents BAA.  Only 9 HR allowed during this 191.2, whereas in the previous year he struggled and allowed 21 HR over 136.2 IP. 

So which Franky do we get?  Well....tomorrow is the night when we find out.  Franky versus Albert in Anaheim.  Someone will have a story line - and I'm rooting for them both actually as a true fan.  Good luck boys.

If only he could have other success like this.  I would wake up from a Francisco Liriano dream a very happy man. 

29 April 2012

Tucker and Dale vs. Evil

Punk'd haha.  Just kidding here - didn't watch yet.  But the mondo movies guys endorse this jazz as well...I'll try to get it done soon friends.  Maybe I'm the one who is Punk'd though, because as of right now - I'm the one missing out.

28 April 2012

Krull / #126 (B)

Good fighters make bad husbands indeed...

I've started this movie like 15 times on instant stream....each time - like the movie Dune - I make it around 5 minutes through.  Today I'm going to see if I can get in over 30 and hope that something exciting happens and I remain enthralled.  Also, it's PG so I'm going to play it mid-day with the kids in the room.  So far, 3 of them have stood and watched for short stints of time.  We shall see what happens with the remainder of this attempt, shalln't we?

Guys walking up walls, rather floating...that's cool!  Didn't expect that...  This isn't much of a fight.  Crazy armored bad guys with spiky helmets who can float up things vs. seemingly helpless towns folk who are basically standing there with wimpy garb and swords.  Haha, they are not even attempting to swing their swords at them.  Also, the bad guys have blasters.  This doesn't even seem remotely fair.  I'm not sure the good guys even have blasters - wait, there is lightning coming out of their swords.  So there's that.

23 mins in and I got 4 kids and 1 adult watching.  We are enthralled.  Let's go Krull...make our whole family have an experience we can cherish forever!  WOAH, watch out for those boulders buddy!!!  Dodge, weave!!  Shwew!  Close call.  Man, I wish I lived in a fantasy world like this guy.  This is the best.

Was reading some Netflix (c) users reviews...it's a toss up for this one apparently.  Some say 1 star and state that it's clearly a take on Star Wars (??).  Some diehards say 4 stars and that it's a great adventure and they remember it from whence they were littlens.

My over all take on movie 126 is a B.  Good plot and fun adventure.  Kids (mostly the oldest one) loved it.  I put it up there with stuff like the Neverending Story (although I've never seen it), Legend, or something like the Labyrinth.  But of course Labyrinth is an A rated flick.

Dear TB DEVIL (c) Rays

Dear Devil Rays - you are smart, but only once a series...I don't like you and want you to stop winning.  Leave the O's alone.  If you were smarter, you would do it in each game of the series rather than just in one.  And that is.....play Jeff Keppinger.  I wish the O's had him.  What a hitter.  Not flashy...but what the Money Ball guys had in mind.  If I could make a team out of the player universe, I would pick him.  2126 career at bats....143 K.....and a .280 career average.  Pretty good type of bat to have around.

Let's compare Jeff's entire career to solely the 2011 totals.  What's a typical number of ABs per year for a healthy guy?  About 600?  Here's the list of guys that had more than 143 K last year alone: Willingham, Uggla, Jay Bruce, MVP Matt Kemp, Werth, lesser Upton, Pena, K. Johnson 2B, Giancarlo, Danny Espinosa, not just an Anderson - but a Granderson, drum roll.....Ryan Howard and surprisingly Adam Dunn, Austin Jax, Mark Reynolds, and finally Drew Stubbs.

I mean, he's no Joe Sewell.  Joe is the all-time leader in strike out percentage at 1.7%.  Who in one season, averaged 167.7 ABs per K.  Totally crazy stat!  Jeff averages 6.7% for strike out frequency, which would put him at approximately 125th all time on this list: http://www.baseball-almanac.com/hitting/histrkop1.shtml.  But at this time he doesn't even qualify for this listing because of his total games played.  He's in the low 600s right now for MLB games and they say he needs at least 1,000 career games to make the list.  Maybe in a few years Jeff, I'm pulling for you.  Hopefully the Rays will play you in 130 or so this year

For the record, Keppinger has 1 K this year in 52 ABs.  (Alberto Callaspo already has 8 in 43 ABs)

Rays, keep using him.

For Phils fans, Juan Pierre has a career K frequency of 6.2% (103 on all time list) and Placido Polanco sits at 7.6% (166 on the list).

[Abreu to the Phils?  Thoughts?]


Last night the 40 year old Chipper Jones did a bow and arrow gesture up to the stands after a clutch hit.  He was looking up in the stands as if he knew exactly where someone he knows was sitting, and he was sending them a signal.  Ah, the little things.  I love baseball.  The MLB Network (c) does a really really good job of coverage.  Last night the guys were so enthralled with life - the end of the show was fantastic!  They are doing the best job in the world.  Also they were making fun of Plesac for being a fan first (at heart) who happened to be good at the game.  LIMH!

Someday I'll get a picture or video of this Larry bow and arrow thing, if I remember.  But just know this: I looked up "Chipper Jones bow and arrow" and apparently he has been on some sort of show about major league bowhunters and has done some stuff with Buck Commander and Hog Commander.  Whoever they are.  Ha.

27 April 2012

What's his name again? (punk rockers stand up!! He's our new boy!

and that's about the time she walked away from me....everybody likes you when your 19....let's go Bryce.  And later on, on the drive home, I called her mom, from a pay phone....and I figured, I got room on my squad right now to deal with some growing pains - He's going to a good spot - for a winning club and I heard He can hit.  I'm going to youtube (c) now to watch his highlight reel.  Good timing with the NFL draft actually....LOLitizer.

It's time for the middle of the DC area to open up.  Bring the fans yes.  This is the place to congregate near now, NY is still right there, and so is Philly.  Love can spread.  It's like a mecca of sporting fun and nightlife, shaped like an L but backwards.  Giant area.  Come visit says baseball, but, not till hockey is over.

Oh and San Fran, if you think Alex Smith is the next Brady, then I'd advise that you stop having...WRs that don't have the drive.  Get a few good ones and see what can happen.  Like Brandon Lloyd.  Your bad.)  Just kidding about the WR sentence.  Come to the east coast.

26 April 2012

Devils win yes and thank you

Sorry to post so late in the evening.  The Devils just now - made it to the next round.  

The O's swept the Jays.  

This moment for me is pretty fantastic.  I had to just note that here.

Heck, even the Rams had some buzz tonight with their Jeff Fischer moves.  Very fun night.  I love sports for sure.


I just heard the OLE, OLE song at the Panthers game.  Prior to that, I heard a sarcastic Let's Go Yankees chant - I think.  Does anyone have the recording?  Play back the DVR.  Lastly, did they just call him Zidlisky?  Is that right?  Or is it Zidlicky?  As in, Licky.  As in Lick??

22 April 2012

O's announcers the other day.

I was listening to the broadcasters on an orioles extra inning game the other day, they were all tied up at the yankees and it was a really exciting moment in this game.  Instead of the announcers talking about the pitch by pitch count and the scenarios, they were discussing old stories about their interactions with players from the past.  "I have a great story Bob....one time Boog and I were eating and fishing...." meanwhile, WTF the game is in extra innings.  Get on the damn play by play!!!  As a vast fan, I wanted to hear that pitch by pitch breakdown and know and discuss exactly what was going on the game.  I guess that's me being a little bit critical, however in this instance - this early in the young season - I want everybody who is watching to have the hope that the orioles are going to prevail.  We can leave the stories from the past to when they are have fallen to fourth place later in the season.  Sorry for that last sentence.  I believe.

fant. baseball tip

note to self: watch one of those podcasts next year where they talk about the guys who were most on the winning coaches team.  Then, figure out why all off season.  Then scout what's in tap for next year...and figure out who will be the ones that fit that bill in the coming year.  Then do that and you will win probably.  Also you have to factor in the way that teams market their guys, and their guy's willingness to be marketed and allow it to pump himself up.  Like what Brandon Phillips said about being famous in that special you watched on MLB network just prior to the season.

Phillies fans and Yankees fans will let anyone play for them.  Don't mean that in a bad way.  They give everyone at least one shot.  Maybe 3 shots depending on the guy.  This isn't a fantasy tip though.  This is real for baseball in real time "life".  As long as they can do their thing and deal with the constant badgering and scrutiny.  I wish the O's fans would read this?

Another tip: the guys who are "textbook" are the guys you want.  Fundamentals.

18 April 2012

Das mike.

< p>I am at the doctor waiting.&n bsp; Looking at my pictures in < /u >my phone. And I found one of my buddy asleep, rather pretending. What is up with those symbols up there? Each time my phone moves (text, email, etc.) it goes all symbols and shit. There is a conversation next door to my seat and they are talking about a local doctor who believes in talking to patients mid surgery, for passing positive thoughts etc. They are now talking opposite of fear is courage. I'm gonna listen now and think hard. Good shit. Later

14 April 2012

#123 / 21 Jump Street (A-)

Going in, I thought this was going to be iffy and have only it's few moments.  I was also upset at the name of the movie and wasn't looking forward to watching Channing Tatum for 1.5 hours.

Coming out, this movie was FREAKING HILARIOUS!  The entire theatre was in an uproar and I was even laughing out loud.  Literally LOL'ing.  I normally can keep my laughter tempered, but holy crap.  Raunchy is a good way to describe it, and perhaps a movie just for guys (??  Not sure, I will have to poll some ladies and see if they liked it).  Tatum was good, the entire plot was good.  LOLZ all around.  My only gripe - Ice Cube was not good.

For the record, I watched this last week sometime.  It was between movie #122 and #124.  But I'm not posting that actual day because I need it to rise to the top of the list and not be buried.  Recommended and I will likely end up owning this one.  Jonah Hill FTW.

125 Blown Away (B+)

Something might be wrong with me.  Seriously - what is happening?  Look at the title of this post.  I just rated a supposed crappy movie from 1993 with a big ol' B+.  AND, I just took over an hour to write the below review and in the end, I'm actually saying that I like this movie.  I might watch it again in fact, and soon.  And not just because of the constant explicit scenes by Nicole Eggert, but actually due to the plot.  You'll see below.  I can already picture this one sticking with me and can envision my recommendations to folks as I pass them on the street.

yes, I liked I love what you did last summer.  It's a good flick which I believe is underrated, gets a very bad rap, and has clutch younger actors from the 90's.  I also like movies like transformers and that one with Tom Cruise.  Was it Vanilla Sky?  Nope...I just looked it up.  It's that show Gigit.  I enjoy stuff like that.  And thankfully Tom Cruise wasn't in either of them.  Just for those that are new to this blog, you have to actually click on those links as they really aren't transformers, gigit, or vanilla sky.  Then I go out and watch Blown Away (not the Tommy Lee Jones one) and I'm pretty sure I feel the same way about this movie as I do about I love you last summer and White Water Summer.  I believe what helped this be a bit like magic, and I can't believe I'm even saying that for a movie like Blown Away, is because but the director portrays the actors as living in their own minds with little to no care or bother by the others around them.  This is apparent immediately when Feldman is standing in a crowded room with a walkie talkie strapped to his chest (somehow this is his outfit twice in the movie????) and Haim is radioing him calling him a "Dickwad" - all while Feldman is chatting with a lady friend and acting like he can't hear Haim and the Dickwad talk.  Totally genius acting/directing.  Over time, people likely will go back and realize how good this movie is.  It reminded me of Drive a lot.  Remember that scene on the cliff with the dirt bikes?  Clutch!

Initially I had thought that I had seen this prior but I don't actually think I've ever actually seen it before.  I'm telling you - with the right mindset and an open approach, this is a good movie!  Very drawn out, slow and deliberate acting.  The plot is good as well.  And the actual actors were awesome!   Iconic really.  Totally fun to watch these stars compile for a gem.  At one point Feldman and Haim thrown down, of course due to a lady.  Such a great scene!  Here it is on YouTube, be warned there is language in this clip: fight over that girl from 90210.  This is going to sound really really bad, but this movie might make me better appreciate some from back in the day that I struggle with, like black and white pieces.  Did you hear what he said at the end of that clip?!?!  That was probably better than the 'I could give a damn Charlotte' line.  He said it runs in his family and then licked his own blood.  So subtle and what the heck is acting like this doing in a movie like this?!

Who was in Lost Boys?  Was it both Haim and Feldman?  As well as Keifer?  I need to watch again soon.  That soundtrack was fantastic.  Better than Goblin?  No.  But Goblin is so simple.  Definitely my fav.

I wanted to also note the birds are right for this movie (is that a red-winged blackbird?  Yep, I hear concur-eeee").  Very effective.  I noted this throughout that they didn't just use the cookie cutter hawk sound.  I even heard a wood thrush in the one scene.  [On a totally separate note, today I heard what I thought was a chickadee doing the feebee-feebay call.  And it didn't sound like a carolina and also didn't sound like a black-capped chickadee.  I swear I heard "spring of the year".  Could it be?  I need to remember to google Yahoo! that sparrow because I always forget which one it is]

One last time for the books, yell it loud ------ Feldman and Haim!

That ending was so Training Day.

11 April 2012

124 Best Worst Movie (A+)

best part is...even they didn't know.  But the director apparently did.
