22 April 2012

fant. baseball tip

note to self: watch one of those podcasts next year where they talk about the guys who were most on the winning coaches team.  Then, figure out why all off season.  Then scout what's in tap for next year...and figure out who will be the ones that fit that bill in the coming year.  Then do that and you will win probably.  Also you have to factor in the way that teams market their guys, and their guy's willingness to be marketed and allow it to pump himself up.  Like what Brandon Phillips said about being famous in that special you watched on MLB network just prior to the season.

Phillies fans and Yankees fans will let anyone play for them.  Don't mean that in a bad way.  They give everyone at least one shot.  Maybe 3 shots depending on the guy.  This isn't a fantasy tip though.  This is real for baseball in real time "life".  As long as they can do their thing and deal with the constant badgering and scrutiny.  I wish the O's fans would read this?

Another tip: the guys who are "textbook" are the guys you want.  Fundamentals.

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