28 April 2012

Krull / #126 (B)

Good fighters make bad husbands indeed...

I've started this movie like 15 times on instant stream....each time - like the movie Dune - I make it around 5 minutes through.  Today I'm going to see if I can get in over 30 and hope that something exciting happens and I remain enthralled.  Also, it's PG so I'm going to play it mid-day with the kids in the room.  So far, 3 of them have stood and watched for short stints of time.  We shall see what happens with the remainder of this attempt, shalln't we?

Guys walking up walls, rather floating...that's cool!  Didn't expect that...  This isn't much of a fight.  Crazy armored bad guys with spiky helmets who can float up things vs. seemingly helpless towns folk who are basically standing there with wimpy garb and swords.  Haha, they are not even attempting to swing their swords at them.  Also, the bad guys have blasters.  This doesn't even seem remotely fair.  I'm not sure the good guys even have blasters - wait, there is lightning coming out of their swords.  So there's that.

23 mins in and I got 4 kids and 1 adult watching.  We are enthralled.  Let's go Krull...make our whole family have an experience we can cherish forever!  WOAH, watch out for those boulders buddy!!!  Dodge, weave!!  Shwew!  Close call.  Man, I wish I lived in a fantasy world like this guy.  This is the best.

Was reading some Netflix (c) users reviews...it's a toss up for this one apparently.  Some say 1 star and state that it's clearly a take on Star Wars (??).  Some diehards say 4 stars and that it's a great adventure and they remember it from whence they were littlens.

My over all take on movie 126 is a B.  Good plot and fun adventure.  Kids (mostly the oldest one) loved it.  I put it up there with stuff like the Neverending Story (although I've never seen it), Legend, or something like the Labyrinth.  But of course Labyrinth is an A rated flick.

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