26 August 2012

Crossworlds / #160 (C-)

"I guess we're still on Earth...." they say as they see two totally gnarly surfer dudes come over the hill.

I watched this movie in two stages.  I started with about 40 minutes or so one night before I eventually fell asleep...and the rest was watched the next day.  I'd say the beginning of the movie was way better than the ending, at which point it is almost like the acting completely falls apart.  And honestly - can't someone tell Rutger Hauer that his hair is awful? Also he must be like 60 pounds overweight for his character's role.  I'm not even looking at the script and I can tell you that is that case.  I bet the guy who put this movie together was just pooping with joy that he landed a "star", when it would have been better if they got someone with a better haircut and someone who weighed less.

Sorry, this is not how I expected this review to go.  Let me start over.  The idea for this movie was really good.  It's actually one of my favorite kinds of movies.  Where the main character doesn't really understand what is going on but others around him do...and also where the main character remains "who they are" despite the situation.  Both of these feels were portrayed throughout this movie.  And honestly, if they would have done it better overall, this could have easily been a high B-rated movie.  But instead the acting just didn't cut it and the plot sort of fell apart and was uninteresting by the end.  Once they started that staff and crystal stuff with the guy in the suit, it went down hill.  But the building of the plot was quite glorious (first half).

This was a mix between Gor, Time Bandits, Jumper, and that movie with Matt Damon and the different doors.  The main character, an unsuspecting kid from modern day (who could have been cast WAY better if you ask me), gets twarted into an ever-changing world.  Moving from present to past, from desert to cave, etc.  Basically his Dad did it before him and he is the chosen one, but doesn't know it.  It takes him most of the beginning of the movie to figure out what is going on, and that what he has been witnessing and doing is actually happening.  They do a good job of jumping from landscape to landscape, that is until the guy with the suit fights the unsuspecting kid and they totally overuse the scene back-and-forthness.

Also Jack Black was in this.

Random side note: I would redo the Wickerman and have the cop fake-turn-into one of the town folk, that is until he has the greenlight to get out of their village at night in the water, which takes hours and is suspenseful.  But the scenes where he is acting all crazy as if he was one of them, just to fit in long enough for his escape....damn, those scenes will be beautiful.


Anonymous said...

That pic would be awesome if Rutger was actually looking at his own huge dick

Chris aka Q to the Slice said...

haha! Yes I agree. That is the exact reason I posted that screen shot. Look at his O face....