10 January 2013

Kill List #180 (A)

I heard this was a good one...and I'm exited to push play.  Let's see what happens, and see if I give it a high rating...

Woah!  Poor librarian.  Holy cow.  What an intense scene!

This flick starts, probably for about 40 minutes or a bit less, showing the life of a small family (a mom, dad, and small child) and their friends.  It depicts normal life for them, draws you in a bit...they aren't perfect, but also are semi-normal.  Or so it seems.  After a dinner party the dad (main character) flips out a bit, with some yelling and screaming...then leaves the party to go and chill out in the garage.  His buddy comes out to join him, and at this point everyone has pretty much calmed down.  And then the dude grabs a bunch of huge weaponry out of a box in his garage and they both start checking out the guns and scopes and such.  At this point I realized they were more than they seemed and my very very very smart brain, recalled that the movie was titled 'Kill List' and hence, I pieced together that they were hit men of sorts.  Anyway, after this epiphany (happy epiphany by the way), the movie turned to the two lads leaving their loved ones behind and going off to do a series of "jobs".  The above referenced librarian was one of the jobs.  They totally messed up his day/life.  Wow, craziness.  One review used the words, "disturbingly realistic" to describe this one.  I agree.

Then, the plot turns once again and there is a mix of the Wickerman spun in.  Totally unexpected ending for me.  That made the movie an A though, I will tell you that.  If you know the kind of movies I like and recommend (thriller-wise) then you should also try this out.  The very very end is a bit not good though so...just know that.  But once you see it please notify me so we can talk about it.  Thanks. Lastly, I wish they talked a bit clearer.  Hard to understand at parts due to their thick dialog.  Rock on.


Anonymous said...

Surprisingly good flick, started off slow and awkward with the disfunctional family/friend situation but when the plot got off the ground I was full out amazed. Holler to the Librarian for sure, that scene made my eyeballs implode. Also the guy in the junkyard that gets "walled", I had to go back and watch that twice. How long I wonder was getting walled to make his head look like that? The end floored me and had some legit scariness (the tunnels with screaming wicker people), I liked that part alot. Kudos to the story for having a really unique end, I don't think anyone could have saw that coming. Just one thing overall that I don't fully understand, what was up with the "thanking" before each person on the list got served? If I were the librarian I don't think I would have been saying thanks for what was going on. Also, after the scene at the very end, i wonder what happens next? I couldn't tell if he was ok with what he did and thinking about joining the wicker gang, or if it goes to credits right before he comes back to reality with what happened? I think he joins, like how his homey's wife was a part of that crew and not seemingly caring about what happened to her hubby. But why I guess, I don't understand that point of the story. What's the allure to joining a gang like that? The cool masks?

Chris aka Q to the Slice said...

I'm pretty sure his final reaction was pure guilt, and unbearable unbelievedness. As in, holy shit, my world is laying in front of me, and it's my fault. I don't think he was considering joining the tribe of weirdos. I'm glad you liked it, I know at first you struggled...especially with the language, they could have cleaned that up a bit and made it understandable.