15 September 2011

Nightmares in Red. White and Blue (documentary) #41 (B+)

I know this doesn't really count as it's a documentary, but I watched it and I'm going to blog about it. It's a look back at mostly US horror as a genre, but it does stretch out to other countries at the end, acknowledging that there are many greats out there to be found. Interesting, they allude at one point that it was a precidence set that all monsters must die by the end of a film, as if it were a rule back in the beginning of horror. Pretty cool/interesting.

What is going on with this one dude's Freddy/Reagan reference? I don't see the need for that at all.

Well, this was a good documentary. Not like that one that focuses on Wolfmen or Frankensteins only - the one that Christopher Lee hosted. It definitely got really good half way through. I really want to give a try to some of the oldies with Bela or Lon, but honestly modern movies are best for me.

I realized a few movies I need to see again like Scream and Hostel, and the newer TCMs (even though I've seen them many times). Also there are movies I would like to check out like The Last House on the Left (1972), The Stepford Wives (1975), and It's Alive (1974). That was definitely a bonus as they showed clips, they threw the name of the movie in the bottom corner.

Lastly I feel the need to apologize again for liking this genre. I'm sorry. But I really do like it. I've noted with this "project" that I watch about 5 horror for every 1 normal comedy or drama. I do keep noting this and realize that it might just be that I'm an uber-fan. I love the strange, oddness, and I like to be scared (although it barely ever works). :) This really was a good documentary in the end. I'm happy I saw it.


Anonymous said...

Nice...I am going to have to check this out. Streaming or DVD?

Chris aka Q to the Slice said...
