10 September 2011

Paul #39 (B+)

This film was funny. It started slow, but gained fun as it went. I was initially upset with Pegg and Frost as they seemed "off" compared to Hot Fuzz or Shawn of the Dead. Watch the beginning on a decent flat-screen and you will see what I mean. The acting and the "clarity" were not good for well over 30 minutes. But, it/they got better. I suppose what I'm saying is the first 30 or so minutes seemed pretty shite-ass, but they turned it around. I loved when the girl character turned her "mood". For me that's when the movie got going. I also sort of wish I didn't know that Paul's voice was that dude from Undeclared. It sort of ruined it for me, I constantly imagined him. After writing this up, seems like I hated it but really I didn't, just being critical.

Anyway, I would watch this again and would own it...it gained fun as I said above. Totally worth watching. Don't let your kids watch it, unless they are 16+. There is a lot of language.

Good day.

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