14 March 2012

London Boulevard (D-) #118

Here are the notes I have for this extremely crappy movie which my buddy and I watched last Wednesday.

  • What's the point to this movie?  Seriously, it went no where and was actually annoying.
  • I wonder why these famous actors agreed to do this flop of a movie?  Keira Knightly actually wasn't very good and her bangs drove me nuts.  She also was barely in the movie.  Colin Farrell did his normal everyday accent, from his native land, which means that I didn't understand half of what he said.  Like how I had to watch In Bruges 3x to get it...yeah, like that.  Will I watch this 3x in order to understand?  Never.  Instead I will only ever tell people that this movie sucked.
  • The director kept flashing his name on the screen really big like.  I believe I saw his name 4x.  Two at the beginning and two at the end.
  • In closing, I can't understand this movie and it was dumb.
  • People - get it out of your queue.

Thanks!  Oh shoot, I forgot one last point...Colin Farrell should have had 'his people' shave his neck hair prior to filming.  I'm not perfect so for my harsh statements I am sorry, but honestly, his neck hair was a mess.  Just looked sloppy.

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