27 May 2012

killer elite - #132 (C)

Oh man....do I risk pushing play on this movie only to worry about having issues hearing Jason Statham speak?   I'll go for it.  But I'll need the remote in hand so I can turn it way up when he's doing his "I'm so cool look at me and my sly-awesome soft spoken words" bit.  Ugh - good work tough guy.  Speak up and you will be better liked overall, even with the ladies.  I can guarantee it.  That's the only major problem with this guy.  Crazy chair flips out of buildings onto moving traffic does not make up for this flaw.

I can dig the handle bar sidekick guy who's hanging around with "soft spoken bad-ass" Statham, heck even the squirrley weak guy ain't so bad.  But the story/plot is so dumb, just majorly lacking - and that table of older gentlemen + Clive?  What the hell is that?  Just plain stupid.  I think as long as they can get super stars to say yes to a movie, they can just wing the plot altogether.  There seemed to be barely any thought put into this movie.  Go to desert, speak to guy, fly around the world and kill the guys he's pissed at, speak softly while doing so, blah blah blah.  Not very good, but I suppose exactly what I expected.

Basically what I'm saying is I wish Gary or Jake Busey was in the movie to spice things up.

Bobby D was awesome in opening scene on the street with all the shooting and explosions....but then what happened?  It was like he became a different guy.  The acting went down hill and he looked like crap.  I guess that was the point, but it was just bad acting crap more-like.  That sentence isn't even good and I'm going to leave it because it's how I feel.  Pay Bobby D to do one good scene then pay him to be a crap fest...

19 May 2012

Hunter Prey 2010 (sci-fi wow) #128 (A)

Hi all, I need to confess that I most definitely will not be able to make the projected and anticipated milestone of 200 total movies by the July 5th deadline.  But I am going to keep striving and shooting for the stars!  And I am going to keep watching.  Likely I will go beyond 200 and just keep reviewing - but certainly #200 is going to be special indeed.  Admittedly, this challenge was harder than I thought.  There ended up being some pretty ferocious nighttime (free-time) distractions.  AKA baseball started coupled with hockey and basketball being in playoff format...thus, all around making it tough for me to pull off 20+ movies a month.

I also wanted to mention before I get into the discussion about the sci-fi thriller: Hunter Prey - that I went to see the Room by Tommy Wiseau last night in the theatre.  Holy crud!  We could barely hear the movie because of all of the laughter.  People are really trying to make this the new Rocky Horror.  I do believe I got hit with about 17 spoons from the rafters.  Hella time!  Totally recommended and if they do it every year, I'm there!!

Now onto the review:

"I hope you rot in the belly of Gods.........."......."sir"........holy shit!

Think Prometheus.  It's just like that!  At least, my hope is that it remains this way.  They have been reaching deep so far.  "Deep" as in the second the movie started - the action begin and it hasn't let up since!  Seriously, this is intense AND happening all throughout the daytime, which is something that gets extra credit points for me and my movie viewing experience.  Show me horror or crazy sci-fi, edge of seat gripping action, and put it in the daytime!  I am so there.  Wow - I just found out who was under those masks...and it's not B. Brian Blair.  And then...

HOLY CRAP!  You have to watch this.  Avengers....hahaha...too funny.  Avengers got nothing on this movie.  Fantastic Four.....LOL.  The Hulk, oh man....actually to me The Hulk wasn't too bad considering all the other bad superhero movies out there.  Really this is more sci-fi though, so that rant is a bit off.  Ahahahahaha - Is that Dennis Quaid?  Man, he gets all the old good roles.  I'm proud of him.  DENNIS QUAID IS HERE!  (Looked it up, it is not Dennis Quaid.)

this is a must must must watch...we are talking sci-fi genius in cinema.  Someone on Netflizzle (c) called it low budget (after they gave it 5 stars)...but I'm not sure that is accurate, or rather who cares?  It's a good movie.  And that user review might be right - it s like Enemy Mine part 3.

I should probably start over with this review but just trust me and watch this.  Just worry about the fact that I said this was good and I gave it an A.  If you like sci-fi, watch this movie.  It's called HUNTER PREY.  WAY better than Jim Caviezel in Outlander and WAY better than Pandorum.  The movie actually seems like it was from the 70's....but surprisingly it is from 2010.  They do a great visual job of making it seem produced from 1974 or something.

Another quick note about why this movie is awesome - they hide characters from you making the viewer guess who they are.  When they are revealed it's fantastic.  Everyone evil in the movie looks more real than Ron Perlman when he's all done up in most of his roles - yes, to me they did that good of a job.  This is the sci-fi-star-wars-like-ride that I've been missing for some years.  But how can they get away with having the ship named Prometheus?

17 May 2012

120 years from now...

...no one currently on this Earth will still be alive.  At least not in body.  Thus, we should work to appreciate the relationships we have in every living being around us, including creatures and those who breathe carbon dioxide.

Our beliefs do create our reality and our thoughts give us a big clue as to what were believing, therefore we can get clues to -and/or close to- our reality. 

16 May 2012

Rollins and Pettite

13 May 2012

couple of things and MOOOOOOSE!!

  1. what would Lincecum look like with short normal hair?
  2. Bill "Moose" Hall tonight looked like a rendition of Randy Milligan on his homer swing, amidst O's magic (as last I heard, they have the highest HR total in baseball - even with Hammer's rash of dingers)...but, it feels different than Randy Milligan.  I just looked up Randy on wikipedia.  Barely an article.  Man, wikipedia give me a call...I can write about guys that had like 10 major league seasons...geez.  Anyway I learned they apparently used to call Milligan Moose (maybe when he was an Expo?).  I guess I'm more on the Mussina-Moose ride - but then again he did go to the dark side....so I'm okay with erasing that from bird-land history and creating a Bill Hall "Moose" reference for a bit.  Maybe it will click.  
  3. Keppinger doubled his k total tonight, but it was against the O's so who can blame him....haha!
  4. Should we believe in any of the following?  It's odd to say these out-loud:
  • A's
  • Orioles
  • Nats (not in that order...and now two more):
  • Indians?????
  • Brodeur? (too soon or jinx) edit

11 May 2012

Watching Tremors homey

Yo homey, remember this awesome scene where two scenes are splicing together?

10 May 2012

box score

I'm in a very deep fantasy baseball league.  Something like 14 managers.  And we start 2 at each position plus some more UTIL spots.  To make it worse...it was an auction.  However, in this league...I own the man!  So I thought I'd check in to see what he was up to tonight in the box score.  I need to ensure he's still deserving of being my penciled in starting second basemen - along side Robinson Cano (remember, 2 per position).  Speaking of Keppinger, someone just nabbed Jed Lowrie in my 'other-much-smaller-league-but-where-we've-been-back-so-many-years-running-it's-super-competitive' league.  Ha!  Maybe my team will end up just fine in the end eh?  I need to figure out pitching now...that's the key to this league.  I already got the disciplined guys...starting at the top, with Jeff Keppinger.

Some of you might remember my post about Keppers, where I mentioned Ol' Joe Sewell....I mean, Kepp's no Joe Sewell....for you see and might well remember - Joe is the all-time leader in strike out percentage at 1.7% for  his career.   And my Duke boys friends...this late breaking news is no good.  I'm sorry to say tonight's box score was grim.  1 for 4 with a .313 average for the year in 68 ABs.  And Jeff......struck out.  That makes 2 strike-outs in 68 ABs.  Can someone calculate where that puts him against Sewell??? 

06 May 2012

first time in a long time...

I own Clay Buchholz in my fantasy league.  But today, for the first time in quite some time...I'm actually rooting hardcorps against my fantasy pitcher.  Go O's.  JJ Hardy has gone yard against him in the first two ABs.  I'm down with that....who cares if I lose that category as long as the O's keep doing what they are doing.  Their young nucleus coupled the fire in their eyes is like a euphoria to me.

Who'da thunk it?

I Always Know What You Did Last Summer #127*

It's 10:19 am.  I have the volume on 53!  Yes, that is actually the name of the movie, I typed it correctly this time.  But, for the record, I'm already stating that nothing can compare to the original two movies in the saga.  Totally amazing no matter what you say.

Stumbled upon Crackle! (c) on my DVD player today.  Apparently my DVD player has apps or whatever.  Oh shit...damn, I was looking forward to JLH, Gellar, Ryan Phillipe, etc.  These are just random people.  The ONLY way this movie will be good is if these kids end up being famous within like the next 6 years.  And even with that, this movie won't be good until they've all hit stardom for ~5 years each.  Even if their stardom is only Freddy Prinze big...but one of them has to make it...like how Liam Neeson was in Krull.

Ok, doing a little blogging while I watch.  I'm slightly inclined to keep watching.  First crank was pretty cool.

The editing or filmography of this movie is pretty awful though I must say, and the acting can't compare to that good acting from Blown Away.  Holy crap....a commercial.  WTF?  Ugh.  I am not watching this anymore.  Crackle! (c) you can stick it up your ass.  So much for a cool alternative option.  Sorry folks, another movie ruined due to a freaking Ashton Kutcher commercial.

check it out

In the upper right of this picture there is a link for something called Dark Knight Rises.  So I clicked on it and there is nothing in the results.  Literally nothing.  How can that be?  I ask with a question mark.  There is a link, but that link doesn't work on it's own web-site.  So then, troubled and confused - I decided to search for this in the bottom right in the search function as you can see below...and it came up with 0 results also.  At what point is this a fail?

Please tell me that their archives can be searched.  Please tell me I can look for AND FIND an article about older movies that have been discussed before like the Wickerman [Christopher Lee and Robin Hardy version from 1973].  For instance, I've been doing this blog and I've been watching older movies, jems (truly outrageous ones) from the past that perhaps I never gave a chance...like RE-Animator or Slugs or even like The Changeling.  But what I want, is to find a web-site where peeps have discussed this movie in the past, back when it was coming out or rereleased on criterion or whatever...and read about what people think about it, as I enjoy for the first time ever.  I guess IMDB does this, so perhaps that is where I should be posting and commenting.  Yep, I just answered my own question.  Bye Mania....hello IMDB.  Question though, do I need to be more relaxed on IMDB?  I think  yes.  But that is okay.

02 May 2012

The People vs. George Lucas #130 A

I reluctantly rated it a 5 star on Netflix (c).  Great documentary for those of you that loved the Best Worst Movie, or perhaps NBT: never been thawed.  Heck, even if you liked the Auteur, Rubber, or the Fred Tuttle documentary - then watch The People vs. George Lucas.

I was mostly a star trek fan anyway ,starting now.  Love the new one and can't wait for the sequel.  They are literally now writing star trek our way.  Go Zack Quinto.