27 May 2012

killer elite - #132 (C)

Oh man....do I risk pushing play on this movie only to worry about having issues hearing Jason Statham speak?   I'll go for it.  But I'll need the remote in hand so I can turn it way up when he's doing his "I'm so cool look at me and my sly-awesome soft spoken words" bit.  Ugh - good work tough guy.  Speak up and you will be better liked overall, even with the ladies.  I can guarantee it.  That's the only major problem with this guy.  Crazy chair flips out of buildings onto moving traffic does not make up for this flaw.

I can dig the handle bar sidekick guy who's hanging around with "soft spoken bad-ass" Statham, heck even the squirrley weak guy ain't so bad.  But the story/plot is so dumb, just majorly lacking - and that table of older gentlemen + Clive?  What the hell is that?  Just plain stupid.  I think as long as they can get super stars to say yes to a movie, they can just wing the plot altogether.  There seemed to be barely any thought put into this movie.  Go to desert, speak to guy, fly around the world and kill the guys he's pissed at, speak softly while doing so, blah blah blah.  Not very good, but I suppose exactly what I expected.

Basically what I'm saying is I wish Gary or Jake Busey was in the movie to spice things up.

Bobby D was awesome in opening scene on the street with all the shooting and explosions....but then what happened?  It was like he became a different guy.  The acting went down hill and he looked like crap.  I guess that was the point, but it was just bad acting crap more-like.  That sentence isn't even good and I'm going to leave it because it's how I feel.  Pay Bobby D to do one good scene then pay him to be a crap fest...

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