06 May 2012

first time in a long time...

I own Clay Buchholz in my fantasy league.  But today, for the first time in quite some time...I'm actually rooting hardcorps against my fantasy pitcher.  Go O's.  JJ Hardy has gone yard against him in the first two ABs.  I'm down with that....who cares if I lose that category as long as the O's keep doing what they are doing.  Their young nucleus coupled the fire in their eyes is like a euphoria to me.

Who'da thunk it?


Lee said...

Since no one else will remark on this post ever, i'll just say HI and say, "Fantasy, it gets the best of me, when I'm saaaaaailing". You're a homo. I hope you find euphoria when young men nucleus their fire in your eyes

Chris aka Q to the Slice said...

I'm watching the rest of The Gate right now. Very fun ride.