19 May 2012

Hunter Prey 2010 (sci-fi wow) #128 (A)

Hi all, I need to confess that I most definitely will not be able to make the projected and anticipated milestone of 200 total movies by the July 5th deadline.  But I am going to keep striving and shooting for the stars!  And I am going to keep watching.  Likely I will go beyond 200 and just keep reviewing - but certainly #200 is going to be special indeed.  Admittedly, this challenge was harder than I thought.  There ended up being some pretty ferocious nighttime (free-time) distractions.  AKA baseball started coupled with hockey and basketball being in playoff format...thus, all around making it tough for me to pull off 20+ movies a month.

I also wanted to mention before I get into the discussion about the sci-fi thriller: Hunter Prey - that I went to see the Room by Tommy Wiseau last night in the theatre.  Holy crud!  We could barely hear the movie because of all of the laughter.  People are really trying to make this the new Rocky Horror.  I do believe I got hit with about 17 spoons from the rafters.  Hella time!  Totally recommended and if they do it every year, I'm there!!

Now onto the review:

"I hope you rot in the belly of Gods.........."......."sir"........holy shit!

Think Prometheus.  It's just like that!  At least, my hope is that it remains this way.  They have been reaching deep so far.  "Deep" as in the second the movie started - the action begin and it hasn't let up since!  Seriously, this is intense AND happening all throughout the daytime, which is something that gets extra credit points for me and my movie viewing experience.  Show me horror or crazy sci-fi, edge of seat gripping action, and put it in the daytime!  I am so there.  Wow - I just found out who was under those masks...and it's not B. Brian Blair.  And then...

HOLY CRAP!  You have to watch this.  Avengers....hahaha...too funny.  Avengers got nothing on this movie.  Fantastic Four.....LOL.  The Hulk, oh man....actually to me The Hulk wasn't too bad considering all the other bad superhero movies out there.  Really this is more sci-fi though, so that rant is a bit off.  Ahahahahaha - Is that Dennis Quaid?  Man, he gets all the old good roles.  I'm proud of him.  DENNIS QUAID IS HERE!  (Looked it up, it is not Dennis Quaid.)

this is a must must must watch...we are talking sci-fi genius in cinema.  Someone on Netflizzle (c) called it low budget (after they gave it 5 stars)...but I'm not sure that is accurate, or rather who cares?  It's a good movie.  And that user review might be right - it s like Enemy Mine part 3.

I should probably start over with this review but just trust me and watch this.  Just worry about the fact that I said this was good and I gave it an A.  If you like sci-fi, watch this movie.  It's called HUNTER PREY.  WAY better than Jim Caviezel in Outlander and WAY better than Pandorum.  The movie actually seems like it was from the 70's....but surprisingly it is from 2010.  They do a great visual job of making it seem produced from 1974 or something.

Another quick note about why this movie is awesome - they hide characters from you making the viewer guess who they are.  When they are revealed it's fantastic.  Everyone evil in the movie looks more real than Ron Perlman when he's all done up in most of his roles - yes, to me they did that good of a job.  This is the sci-fi-star-wars-like-ride that I've been missing for some years.  But how can they get away with having the ship named Prometheus?


Leanu said...

I watched this piece because of you and seriously was wow'd. It really was like Enemy Mine Pt.3, even had references to Dracs. Good story, good dialogue. Somewhat cheesy filming, kinda like made for SciFi Tv channel, but I got past that quick. Do you think they made it in like 4 days in North Dakota? I bet the overhead was like $400. Did you know the main alien guy was somewhat famous? He was the big black undead pirate in Black Pearl Pt.1 with Johnny Depps. Neato!

Leanu said...

Also, when the credits rolled there was only 10 actor names. Challenge, name a full length movie with as few actors as possible, GO!!! E.g. Funny Games had 10 too, I know one that had less

Leanu said...

Retreat had only 5, I win!

Chris aka Q to the Slice said...

did you just watch this tonight or something? I was going to guess "Buried" with Ryan Reynolds, but apparently there was a lot of actors that were just voices on the cell phone.

I know I've seen movies with only a few actors, give me a chance and I'll reply with some examples. Retreat with 5 is pretty clutch.

I think this was filmed in Mexico by the way.

Chris aka Q to the Slice said...

you forgot to mention something about the 7 hells.

Chris aka Q to the Slice said...

"I hope you rot in the belly of Gods.........."......."sir"