22 November 2011

The Lazarus Project / 73 (D+)

My boy Shawn Hatosy wasn't in this movie long.  He pulled a Steven Seagal from Executive Desicion.  Funny, I just looked up the trivia on IMDB for Executive Decision and found out the following interesting fact:

Originally, Travis was to die due to low cabin pressure causing his head to explode.  Steven Seagal refused to shoot this scene for fear his fans would not like it. Director Stuart Baird insisted he must do it as scripted, though Seagal held up filming for a few days and argued that the scene was not realistic. Finally after threat of contractual breach, Seagal agreed to return to filming and a new death scene was scripted.

So on to the movie.  It's basically about a dude named Ben, played by Paul Walker, who everyone knows I personally love.  But I think (actually I know) I love him better as Brian O'Conner in the F&F franchise.  In this movie he was more like Bobby Z or the character he played in Running Scared.  Essentially a couple of clunker movies.  In this epic action/thriller, Walker plays a guy who was previously in jail but got out and turned his life around.  He had a kid, a wife as well as a job, everything he could want - only to get thrown back into jail and also be up for the death penalty, I think, but they only briefly hit on this.  Sort of odd.  Anyway, instead they erase his memory or something, perhaps inject him with something - I think a snake is involved??  Again, kind of odd.  They flash back to it over and over and over again, tirelessly throughout the movie.  Whatever happened, he is removed from his old life and is not allowed to go back to it, but he is still alive.  Then for about an hour, a long hour, he's in a facility with other people like him...given another chance and all removed from their old lives.  People are constantly watching and no one is allowed to leave.  Also, I particularly loved how they are watching his every move until he starts to figure things out, then somehow he's able to do a bunch of sleuth work without anyone seeing.  Anyway I won't ruin the end even though I know you won't watch it....but just know there are a few twists.

Thelma from that Scooby Doo movie was pretty cute with long hair and without the Thelma look.  That is an FYI only.  Good day.