20 November 2011

Rabbit-Proof Fence / 71 (B+)

Certainly not my "style" of movie by a long shot, but really well done and a good story to be told.  Based on a true story, this film shows three aborigine sisters being taken from their homes in Australia by what I suppose is a government group  This group can claim/take "half-caste" children, which are basically children that are half white and half aborigine.  The girls get taken basically immediately at the beginning of the film and then they are taken to a house to be raised by teachers and other such folk.  The rest of the movie is about their escape, which lasts about 9 weeks (and at one point they mention it's well over 800 miles) as they trek back home.  The entire time they are trying to avoid a 'tracker' from the school as well as officials/police who are trying to catch them and bring them back.

Very gripping and well done, worth a watch although a bit depressing and long.  I'm glad I saw this film.  I bet it won awards.  At the end they show two of the girls who are alive to this day.  They still live with their families in Australia and were never sent back to the Moore River School.

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