26 December 2011

#87 Zero Effect (C+)

Bill Pullman is magical.  Ha!  Sorry I'm cynical at times on these reviews, I really don't mean to be mean.  I'm willing to admit however that I'm aware I get this way - and also very critical of a movie's plot/vibe or an actor's performance.  I guess I'm hard to please.  At times I do believe that Pullman looks like Duchovny.

Question: who's better at acting?  Bill Pullman or Cary Elwes?  Please post the answer in the response section.

On to the movie.  It's about a guy that dubs himself as the ultimate observer and gets paid big bucks to solve mysteries.  Mostly he does it out of his office, but occasionally he comes out of his office to go on site to solve items.  This guy is Bill Pullman, actor extraordinaire.  He tries really hard to look eccentric and disheveled, but it actually makes me laugh.  He wears long-johns with a robe and his hair is all over the place, think "the Dude" from Big L.  Kind of like that, but worse.  His sidekick/assistant is Ben Stiller, who plays a serious role in the movie so that's funny too.  He's not bad at being serious and is not a bad actor in my book, but he's definitely better at being goofy so it's hard to see him playing this role.  It took about 35 minutes for me to get interested because prior to that time I was laughing in my head at the Stiller seriousness and the Pullman eccentricness.  AKA "plot building".  The movie was okay in the end, worth watching I guess on a Saturday afternoon on the couch.  Nothing too great and nothing too horrible.  Lots of "girl with the dragon tattoo" random sleuth-work from Pullman.  I guess he's a bit of a savant?  Anyway, there was enough to keep me interested in watching I suppose so I suppose I recommend to folks.  Good day.


Anonymous said...

I'd go with Cary Elwes, probably because I saw him in more movies than Pullman and he seems more diverse with his character. Pullman acts like himself in every movie, so that's not really acting but just being there, kind of like James Gandolfini or Michael Cera. And please stop saying Good day at the end of all your posts, you swiped that from Jalboot

Chris aka Q to the Slice said...

Good day to you!! You finally were able to comment! This makes me very happy! I'm watching Frontier(s) next. Good point about Bill Pullman's acting. Cary Elwes wins!