23 January 2012

101: Alive! Is Michael Jackson Really Dead? (C+)

I am definitely one that loves a good conspiracy theory...and this title has intrigued me for some time.  So I finally watched it, and I do believe it was worth it.  While I guess I'm not shocked that a movie like this exists, I can certainly say that this was one of the worst productions I've ever seen - probably the worst since the documentary I saw about Nick Pope leaving the MOD.  However, in amongst the awful editing and bad sound quality there are many points (I won't call them facts) about Jacko's death, many points which are borderline intriguing.  Quite honestly, I'd suggest that all give this one a chance.  Try to look past "Pearl Jr." (she should not be on film, perhaps she just be a "fact" gatherer and let Leonard Nemoy or someone else do the talking) and the bad editing, and just listen to all of the ideas surrounding this topic.  The "facts" that Pearl Jr. lays out there certainly are often presented without back up, so more information is warranted for the documentary to be taken seriously.  But somehow there are a lot of interesting coincidences surrounding this event.

I'm not surprised by much in this world anymore, and I wouldn't fully be surprised if Michael Jackson is still alive and/or was off'd so that peeps could roll around amongst his money.  Wouldn't it be great if Tupac, Biggie, Elvis, and Michael Jackson are all on an island together somewhere?  How totally cool would that be?  When people get too famous to even live among regulars, they get shipped there.  LOL.  Disclaimer: I'm just doing a "movie" review - this is just my opinion and thoughts after watching and I do not stand by these words.

As mentioned above, I've decided to add my review to the documentary featuring Nick Pope.  I don't find much about Nick Pope to be helpful in general, even though I so badly want what he has to say to have some relevance and some strong facts.  Written on 3/13/09 - Nick Pope: The Man Who Left the MOD
I love ufos, paranormal, etc., and expected a lot more from this "official" person coming out to relay his experiences with ufos and the behind the scenes information. Frankly, there was barely any good info in this documentary. And the production of the video?? Who made this, a 4 year old? Seriously, what was going on with the Punjabi thing at the end?? That will help people to take this seriously (sarcasm!!). I wanted this to be good, sooooo badly. But it wasn't.

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