23 July 2012

no. 148 / Don't Look Now (1973) (C-)

I can honestly say, I didn't need to see that much of Donald Sutherland's naked body.  For those that wonder, there were many buttocks shots and lots of pubes.  Not necessary and this didn't add to the plot in one way, shape or form.  Alright, moving on...

There is good acting in this recommended piece (I believe per Mondo movie guys), but it sure is taking some time to get moving.  I say this with about 50 minutes remaining.  Let me push play again and see if it gets better.

Oh, man this is an odd scene.  The blind psychic sister person with marble eyes is rubbing her breasts together and yelling "yes!  yes!" while trying to summon information from the past.  Very odd.  Very disturbing.  Plain weird.

Classic line from Sutherland about 1 hour in...and really for no reason at all unless the director has a sense of humor.  I didn't realize they had senses of humor in movies from the 70's.....but anyway you hear a toilet flush and Donald comes out of the b-room and says something I frequently say around my house, "I wouldn't go in there for a couple of minutes if I were you."  BOOOOOOOM....classic!  So funny.

Wait....who was in the water just then?  I'm confused.  Was that his wife?  If so, why is he not flipping out?  Now Sutherland has spent the last 15 minutes of the movie looking for his wife that he thought boarded a plane.  I hope this ends up making sense by the time the movie ends.

Also, for the record, I think Venice looks like a nice place to visit.  I know they say that it's trashy and not the best for vacations anymore, but even with broken down buildings and some trash here and there, it still looks pretty nice overall.  Sort of majestic looking.

What are they constantly drawing sketches of?  Why did he close that gate?  OH GOD!  Holy shit...what the fu*k was that????  Woah.  I literally just jumped.  Didn't expect that in this movie.  Man....need to calm down for a sec.  But, I'm not sure I can recommend this movie.  Quite honestly, this was your typical 70's thriller where 1.5 hours or more go by and there is just plot building up, all for one final scene.  Sort of like Tenebre or Rosemary's Baby.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does Don't Look Now refer to the scene with Donalds pubes? Homey, remember Nick Stahls pubes in Bully? Coulda done without that too. Man pubes in general do nothing to help a rating as far as I'm concerned. Except for Silence of Lambs, when that dude has his shit tucked and was dancing to queer 80's music with his faux-pussy. That ruled. Imagine that convo with that actor and his makeup person..."yo,how my pubes look for this scene?" Lolz