25 July 2012

Parents / no.149 (B-)

Well the disc sleeve doesn't help this one out much.  I've seen this movie many times in my searches, and always totally ignore it mostly because it looks like it is going to be another Microwave Massacre or something.

But today I was listening to the Mondo Movie guys on the way to work, one of their shows from 2010, and they briefly talked about Parents due to a viewer email question.  They mentioned that they had seen it and it was quite good, and probably impossible to get on DVD nowadays....etc.  But I remembered Netflix (c) having this flick, at least I thought so.  I checked and was right.  So all day, I sat and pondered about my next movie to watch.  This one kept popping into my mind.  I mean, it is Randy Quaid after all in a movie about canabalistic parents.  How could that not win?

So about the movie.  It was good.  I definitely enjoyed it.  There wasn't too much gore or crazy over the top stuff.  Pretty low budget as you could imagine.  But the acting was decent and the plot was cool.  I do warn however it's one of those plot builders, so it's a bit slow but still a good movie.  Again that cover art doesn't really do it justice.  It makes it look super cheesy and very campy.  I didn't really think it was campy at all.  Randy Quaid isn't too evil, but just enough to make him frightening.  The main character is actually the little boy who is the son of the parents on that VHS sleeve up there.  He seems to barely be phased by anything actually.  In the end almost everyone dies.  The end.

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