05 July 2012

Peeping Tom / #144 (C)


"well, he won't be doing the crossword tonight" - haha!!  classic line.

This movie was labeled as a classic.  Apparently banned at one point and also super controversial.  In people's reviews of the movie, they go on and on about how glorious it is and how artsy it is, etc.  And that the main guy acts so well.  Yeah, I guess he does, but I cannot get past the fact that it was from 1960.  It's just not believable now a days.  I can't even put my mind in that time period to even try to believe in that story.  The end was pretty cool, I guess.  For 1960 I'll give them that, but for people to go on and on about it, raving that it's super great, and saying stuff like it's probably "one of the best horror movies of all time" - c'mon.  Seriously?  It's not even one of the best movies that is an old-acting-and-is-kind-of-hard-to-watch-actually-where-they-don't-really-show-any-of-the-action-and-it-never-sucks-you-in-as-a-viewer movies.  Ha!  I mean, it would have been better if the main guy had a screw coming out of his neck and he acted like a full blown robot.  They should even have scenes where they need to oil him.  And also it would have been better if they would have made it a short story, about 20 minutes long.  I would watch that.  Boom!  Get on it hollywood.  I wouldn't even watch this sequel!  Just FYI.  At least I don't believe I would, not unless the plot changed drastically.  I'd even watch the sequel to Duel, Deathrace 2000, and Papillon - yet be one of the ones saying "the original is better".  So there.

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