11 November 2011

64: Red State (B+)

Geeeeeeeeeeeez.  How and why do I keep watching these movies that make me feel bad for watching them?  Bad because it is about a relevant/taboo topic from today's society.  Actually, thinking more about it, more of a bad feeling because I end up liking the movie.  But I guess the director did what he aimed to do then if I ended up enjoying the flick.  Director's must by default think to make movies about current topics now-a-days; and if it's a movie out there - I suppose I shouldn't beat myself up for watching it or liking it.  But like 'Rampage' and 'Buried', I feel odd thinking they did a good job.  And while it's pretty low budget (like 'Brotherhood: Are You In or Out?'), and more of a straight to DVD type of movie, it was done really well.

The plot is basically about three kids that are going to meet a lady caller.  Turns out it's a lure, because they are sinners of course.  From there, the entire movie is about them being stuck inside one of those compound-walled cities with a group of crazy religious folk.  They are being used as an 'example' to the citizens of the compound.

Special kudos to Keven Pollack for his Steven Seagal like performance!  Solid work homey!  Also a note to Stephen Root - bro, I don't think you can do any role where I don't picture you as Milton.  Too bad too.

Lastly I don't like when IMDB decides to put the cast in order of appearance, versus order of dominant role.  I've been searching for the actor that played the main cult leader and I honestly can't find it.  Totally annoying.  Why do I need to know the name of the guy on the road or believer #1?  Anyway it ended up being a guy named Michael Parks - it was not Kris Kristofferson.  Oh and John Goodman was solid.  He should be in more.  Good day.