30 January 2012

#105 / Cowboys & Aliens (D+)

This is my own dumb fault for renting a hollywood blockbuster "attempt" that already looked awful from the previews, not to mention the reviews.  I thought...well maybe because I enjoy high-strangeness and didn't hate the Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull movie...just maybe it would be okay and the critics and masses were wrong.  Just maybe I'll enjoy this...Guess what?  It was like Outlander.  Crap.  I didn't love the aliens and what they looked like or how they were portrayed, I didn't love Harrison Ford's acting or his neckcherchief used to hide his blubbering neck, I didn't love the kid from Little Miss Sunshine - at all, I didn't love how Daniel Craig was wishy-washy...starting off standoffish for 38 minutes and then decided to himself "you know what?  I guess I will be friends with you, let's team up and be besties and I'll even show emotion as well as hold your head as you perish, ye towns people I was just hating on".  Crazy BS for a plot.  Jon Favreau fail.  Olivia Wilde - I love her....normally.  Why did she also (plot spoiler) have to be an alien, yet still loves James Bond somehow?  You know what I did like about the movie though, the reason it got the "+" up there on that D?  I loved the first few minutes when Jake Lonergan was in full amnesia mode, punching everyone.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you homeskillet, this movie sucked a rather large wang. I've lost respect for Harrison to be honest, his choices in movie roles completely suck since like 1989, as do his acting skills. There's alot of actors afflicted with this, e.g. Chevy Chase, Kevin Costner, DeNiro, John Candy, etc. Oh wait he died. But you know namsayne, what's up with these guys in their old age? They're like delapitating on screen for all to see. Some guys still got the edge, like Robert Duvall, Eastwood, Daniel Day Lewis...I think Jeff Bridges is actually getting better in his old age. Gene Hackman and Sean Connery showed balls by retiring once they knew they couldn't roll like they used to, Harrison should do the same. Hang up the fedora, Indiana.

Anonymous said...

Ok, maybe more like 1993. Patriot Games and Fugitive were good. My bad

Chris aka Q to the Slice said...

I think you're right