01 January 2012

Frontier(s) #90 (A)

Woah, the French are at it again....I'm starting to think they might be crazier horror-flick-makers than the notoriously awesome Japanese thrillers-of-horror.  I actually thought this movie was a zombie flick due to the cover picture and not a movie like Sheitan.  What a surprise...totally like Sheitan!  My buddies told me it was good and I should watch it, but I didn't listen at first and waited approximately 2 years prior to allowing my brain and eyes to melt while watching this movie.  Evilness is a good word to describe this one.  Damn!  If you are a horror movie fan, check out this French thriller for sure.

This was a mix of Wrong Turn, Hostel, TCM, Sheitan, and a few others.  Basic plot: 4 friends find themselves in some trouble and with a bunch of money and a need to escape a rioting town.  They split up (due to certain circumstances) and both sets plan to meet up later, out towards the country.  They made a bad mistake by leaving the riots, that's for sure.  Would have been much safer staying there.  Anyway, it turns bad...watch to find out more.

I have a few gripes however, all which happened towards the mid-beginning of the film.  The first two guys that venture out to meet the "family" end up in a driving battle with Goetz (who was the main character in Brotherhood of the Wolf, another champion movie).  At the end of this scene (this is a kind of plot spoiler, so perhaps stop reading) the two "good guys" flip off a cliff in their car and drop about 150 feet down, landing directly upside-down on their car roof.  First gripe: they both are fine.  Next they decide that they should go into a cave next to where they landed.  Seems like a good idea, right?  NO!??  They then hit the end of the cave and the only way to go is back or into a tiny passage that they have to hoist themselves into, about the size of their bodies only.  Total claustrophobia.  Good idea??  NO!??  Why the heck wouldn't they just turn around and go back to where they came from and then run like hell??  Dunno, but otherwise this is a movie worth watching for peeps who like awfulness/horroritizing.


Anonymous said...

Happy that you finally watched this, its your style of movie for shizzy. For me it was mostly like TCM, glad you also saw the similarities. The Koreans make top shelf horror movies too, they are all messed up. Can you rank your top ex-US horror movies and confirm who is more twisted... France, Japan or Korea?

Chris aka Q to the Slice said...

France is the answer based on what I've watched to date. They really go hardcorps with their movies. The Japanese films are half good (slower though plotwise, to me anyway) and half crazy ass. I'm trying to think of any Korean horror I would have seen?? I guess the Host was Korean. That was fantastic to my skull. I went out and bought it after I saw it. A worthy ownable flick if you ask me.



Anonymous said...

I'm not totally sure, but I think I Saw the Devil and Old Boy were Korean