21 July 2012

146 / Savages (D+)

Holy hell.  What a bad movie.  Honestly, I had really high hopes going into this.  I mean, it's freaking Oliver Stone.  He waits like 4 years between movies and when he puts one out, he only seems to put out gems.  And even if it was just okay, I would have been fine with that and just chalked it up to being semi-okay and then move on with my life.  But instead, I found myself wondering what the hell these actors and Oliver Stone were thinking?  A quick payday maybe?  Thinking back on the movie, I feel like there really weren't too many expensive 'things' (in movie terms = car chases, explosions, etc.), and really I can only assume the actors salaries were the biggest expense.  I can picture it, Oliver calls up Travolta, and Benicio, and Salma, and says "Hey guys, it's me Oliver.  Do you want to earn a fat paycheck?  It will probably only take like 4 months out of your life, you don't even really have to try...it will be up there with great movies like Edison Force....you in?"  Seriously, what a crock of shit.

This movie was not only 1 hour too long, but just insanely awful to watch.  At one point, Benicio was hammering down on Travolta at his home - trying to get some information out of him or something - it really doesn't matter....anyway Travolta starts talking about Salma's character 'Elena'.  He says by accident (I'd presume), "Lorena" and then quickly catches himself, stutters, and says "Elena" to fix his mishap.  What the hell?  Did they leave that in there on purpose?  Did it seem more real because they had him mess up?  Why and the hell wouldn't they fix that?  It doesn't even make sense to keep this in there, that is if it was done on purpose - and I can't figure out what that purpose would be to be honest.

Another grip about this movie is that the main girl wasn't Amber Heard.  Oh wait, sorry, that's not what I meant to say.  What I meant is that she is narrating throughout the entire movie.  It's pretty annoying.  It's not like they just open the flick with her narrating and then it fades away and stops once the background is developed.  N to the nope, she basically does it throughout.  And at the beginning she says, "just because I'm telling you this story, doesn't mean I'm alive at the end"....and then at the end, she says something like, "remember when I said I might not be alive at the end...blah blah blah"  Why did the feel the need for her to remind us that she said that?  Because we are all basically sleeping and can't think about the movie anymore.....because we are all thinking how much more do we have to endure?  When will this end?  Why didn't I go to Batman?  Yeah, it's pretty much like that.

I asked my friend in the middle of the movie if the one main pot dealer (the one with short hair) was going to be the next Jeremy Renner?  Basically meaning that he would be an actor that would come out of no where and start being in a lot of movies, because he didn't do a totally awful job (even though the plot helped him to look worse).  And my buddy whispers to me that he was the actor that played John Carter, in Disney's (c) epic adventure failure.  As well as some other main roles.  Also the other pot dealer guy (the guy with long hair) was apparently the kid from Kick Ass that wore the green outfit.  Not McLovin', not the girl, and not Mr. Nicolas Cage.

So, the reason this gets a "+" on the D is because the popcorn was good and I got to hang with two of my buddies.  Otherwise, don't let my rating fool you.  This is really a straight D movie.  Sorry if I got your hopes up.  I should have known this was a clunker from the opening scene when they showed footage (via an email to the pot guys) of people being tortured by the gang...and that footage looked about as good as that one time when I went to the theatre in Alabama by myself and watched Fear Dot Com.  Yeah, that bad.  Also I should of had a clue when there were two explosions (I think the only two in the entire film), which were detonated by the two pot guys when they were crossing the border into Mexico, and my buddy looked at me and mentioned how cool that was....and I thought to myself, that looked ridiculous.  Have I mentioned don't see this movie?  Don't even rent it.  She even narrarates during their sex scenes, and you see NOTHING.  Yeah, Amber Heard would have done a better job and immediately made this movie a C+.  :)  Just saying.

Oh man, I totally forgot to beef on the bunch of ex-seals that just "hang around" with pot A and pot B guys.  Their friends are ex-seals, and just escort them around and go on sniper missions with them when they plan to do something risky.  Totally ridiculous.


Anonymous said...

I think maybe it was the crazy surround sound at the moment, but in retrospect I can agree that the 2 explosions weren't that great. In fact when the pickup truck blows up and flips, you can see the big metal plate that stunt guys use to flip cars for Hollywood explosions. There's a word for it I just don't know it off hand. You can see them like 4 times during The Rock though.
In the end this is how I can tell if a flick sucks ass...when I have to ask my buddy 3 times during the movie if my other buddy is awake. Somehow he was, but if he wasn't his dreams would probably have been better than this piece of shit

Chris aka Q to the Slice said...

Agree. I saw that plank lift the car up as well. So with that said, do you think they purposely put out movies just to make money? You know what I mean by that right? Meaning...not care if stuff is missed when editing or care if it is even good? Just knowing that the masses will flock to pay their $11 because Travolta is in this piece? Ugh. I think I know the answer to this and all we can do is tell people to run for the hills. DON'T WATCH SAVAGES. Still, people will rent it and it will make it's millions. I'm disappointed though. Sad day for Ol' Oliver.

Chris aka Q to the Slice said...

And yes, I was falling asleep. Sorry about that. It was way too long.

Chris aka Q to the Slice said...

oh, you weren't talking about me...but remember how I was falling sleep too?? Okay, bye.

Unknown said...

Whoever wrote this is retarded. I won't even argue about the movie because I had a ball watching it. But travolta did not mess up u twit. They call her la reina Elena throughout the entire movie. It means the queen Elena in Spanish guy. Great thread though. Srsly man. Kudos.